Here is an outrageous commentary from an individual named Michael Payne... he writes commentary for the OnlineJournal. He is asking, in his commentary, where the outrage is? Where is the rage? Please read his commentary:
"We are all part of an American society that continues to silently watch as our government pursues a foreign policy that threatens the very future of our democracy. A large segment of this society is currently in a state of conditioned silence. It watches as America is undergoing radical changes that are transforming this nation into an instrument of world domination with the objective of controlling this planet's energy resources. The overriding question is: what will bring this society out of this state of conditioned silence -- does it have the will or any desire to say, "Enough is enough, we will accept no more?" Or have the American people completely lost their will to dissent? It seems that we have become a society that no longer may know what is right versus what is just plain wrong. We collectively watched the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq. Then came the "shock and awe" and the complete destruction of the city of Fallujah. We began to hear the bizarre stories of the inhuman torture of prisoners at Abu Grahib and Guantanamo. Now we are beginning to hear details of the horrendous story about the village of Haditha, a potential time bomb of immense proportions. The senseless deaths of our military and Iraqi civilians continue each and every day; this is complete madness! Is Big Brother wiretapping you and me? Does anyone care? America remains in a state of conditioned silence."
My reaction to this commentary is simple. One word: Bullcrap. What a load full of bullcrap!
First, don't say 'we are all part of a society watching silently'... because we are not ALL part of society that stands mute as we rush headlong into some perceived danger brought about by the current administration. This might be YOUR view Mr. Payne, but it is NOT the view of millions of Americans. So don't try your little trick with the word ALL in your diatribe.
Second, you are wrong to state that 'a large part of society is in a state of conditioned silence'. What? Everyone is a mind-numbed robot except for you? You happen to be the only one with a clear view and intelligence? What arrogance! Typical LIBERAL mentality at work here. You have the accurate vision for all the rest of us. You dolt! We are NOT in a state of conditioned silence... we are simply in agreement that the REAL threat to our democracy is from terrorists and rogue nations with nuclear weapons and the lack of enough resources to keep going.
Third, you state that this nation is turning "into an instrument of world domination". Huh? Well, that answers my next question about your knowledge of American history... you must have been skipping classes out smoking dope. Fool... we've always been about America First. Where have you been? So, my advise is for you to move to Canada, leave, scram, if you hate your own country so much.
Fourth, you question our ability to see right from wrong. Typical. If it isn't a liberal's way, then it's wrong. So much for real liberalism and understanding and open minded thinking. Typical.
Fifth, you bring up Abu Grahib and state (in your opinion) that "inhuman torture" occured there. Dude, you have NO CLUE what torture is. I am here to tell you that what occured in Abu Grahib was no worse than typical fraternity hazing right here in the United States. Oooohhh... stand on a box with a bag on your head and fake wires attached to your fingers... ooohh so inhuman so horrible. Oohhh my, a human pyramid... oh how horrible. And to think, cheerleaders do this self-torture all the time. You idiot... that's hazing, NOT TORTURE. Torture HURTS and KILLS and inflicts REAL SUFFERING. Stress and anguish and hurt feelings are NOT TORTURE. Moron! My guess is, you were a Momma's boy growing up. Probably a single child. In High School you probably fancied yourself an elitist thinker while you hit on the bong. Perhaps your parents were rich or wealthy and you got everything you wanted and maybe even they had a maid or you had a nanny.
Dude... think about what dear old Saddam did to his own people: nerve gassed them, dipped the, alive in acid baths, electrocuted them (for real you idiot), cut off limbs, killed family members. And... it's obvious you're OK with this huh? You sick perverted bastard! It's only when your own country 'stresses' out an enemy combatant that you become unhinged and cry foul with all the pent up hatred you must be carrying around in your tiny dark heart. It's just fine for Saddam, huh! Shows your true colors... this exposes you for what you are. An evil, country hating, close minded, self-centered moron. Finally... you state this is complete madness? Dude, you're looking at yourself in the mirror!
Click HERE to read this idiot's rant about how he hates America
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