Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Achtung! Das BUSH Seizes Power!

President Bush, completely ignoring members of his own party and those that elected him, has run amok with his own personal agenda. In a power grab that resembles early Nazi Germany, Bush has been whittling away at our Constitutional Rights while refusing to protect Americans from invaders from outside this country.

The country is being flooded FLOODED by illegal immigrants at a rate of 40,000 a day. This includes OTMs... "O"ther "T"han "M"exicans... in other words, terrorists. And Lord Bush, holding hands with Ted Kennedy, purposefully look the other way. Worse, his pals insure that hard working Border Agents go to jail for doing their job. In this respect, Commandant Bush is insuring that drugs continue to FLOW into this country.

Senior Bush has already destroyed the Republican Party. Next: America. She will be destroyed by Premiere Bush and his CEO cronies and the American people are shouldering the cost and brunt of all of this.

This then brings into question all this Iraq war business. I used to believe it was a just war, now I do not. Anything Bush touches has turned to crap has been BAD NEWS for the citizens of this country. Bush has tried to sell our ports and our infrastructure out from under us, Bush spends trillions on a pointless war, Bush refuse to protect Americans, Bush refuses to respond to his party, Bush refuses to stop terrorists at the Mexican border.

You really have to wonder WHO Bush is working for. It certainly is NOT America. Ask Peggy Noonan of the Wall Street Journal.

And did you know that Senior Bush just bought 400 acres of land on Paraguay for his retirement compound?


Friday, June 22, 2007

TB Outbreak Occurring in the US - Not a Peep In the Main Stream Media

State health officials tested 286 employees at a Greenville poultry-processing plant for tuberculosis after a case of TB was reported there, and nearly half had a positive skin test.

You are seeing the tip of the iceberg... because there are NO controls, no screening, no identity check, no fence on the southern border of this nation (unlike ANY other nation on this planet), we are now facing the initial phase of a TB "outbreak". And this is NOT the kind that is curable.

Click HERE for the story