Barack Obama... Barack Hussein Obama...
His middle name is Hussein and he is Muslim.
To that I say, you have GOT TO BE kidding me. That we are even contemplating electing a person such as this indicates exactly where our Political Correctness is taking us to.
Nothing against the man personally, since very little is known about this person anyway. We do know he is black, smokes, has used drugs quite extensively when he was younger, and has little to no experience with government, or even a normal job. Is he Muslim? With a name like Hussein Obama? CNN will say 'no way'... but think about this.
Is this a sign of the times? Have we have surrendered, out of fear, to Islam? In our cowardice we are cozying up to everything that we would normally consider as "unfit" for the Office of President - while working hard to purge Christianity from our society.
Political correctness - your name is cowardice.
Just a few years ago... a presidential candidate was raked over the coals for enjoying alcohol in his younger years. Yet these same people throw themselves into an orgy of love when it comes to Obama, a known heavy drug user. Hypocrisy, madness, insanity?
Why the love fest for an unknown "someone"? A person clearly without the skills, the experience, with a Muslim background perhaps, a drug background, and a name that unfortunately but clearly reverberates: Allah Akbar!!! Whether real or not...
Madness I say... we clearly think we are enlightened when clearly we are falling down the path of Islam while rabidly tossing out Christianity.
Ladies... forget your Woman's Rights movement, it's over, your toast. You'll be wearing burka's and will be made to walk ten paces behind your man real soon. And education? Forget that... We men, we will have several wives and you will like it or... hey, we can stone you. And you will have NO say in anything other than raising our children - you will be relegated to the status of cattle.
Does that upset you? I guess not. Since none of you raised your voices even once when your sisters were being murdering in cold blood in public executions in Iran and Iraq and Afghanistan. Cowards. Fakes. Dolts.
Start reading the Koran to see what you are in for. But if, IF you happen to feel outrage at what I've just said... then you have a heroine. Her name is Orianna Fallaci and she was a tigress, a fighter, a visionary, and she was 100% correct. She has predicted the future and it is arriving soon. Study her writings.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Muslims taking over the US - First Step
A Muslim-American advocacy group has called on radio talk show host Dennis Prager to be removed from the governing board of the federally funded U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum after Prager last week blasted a representative-elect for planning to use the Koran at his swearing-in next month.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
The Bible is discarded, tradition is discarded, and Islam is creeping in. Any questions? Go read the Koran!!
Click HERE for the FULL Story
The Bible is discarded, tradition is discarded, and Islam is creeping in. Any questions? Go read the Koran!!
Russians Want to Defy US Space Efforts
A senior Russian space official sharply criticized an assertive new U.S. space policy signed by President George W. Bush, saying Wednesday that it would increase tension and could lead to military confrontation in space, The Associated Press news agency reports. In the first revision of U.S. space policy in nearly a decade, Bush signed an order earlier this year asserting the United States' right to deny adversaries access to space for hostile purposes and saying the United States will oppose treaties or other restrictions that seek to prohibit or limit U.S. access to or use of space. “This document can be seen today as the first step toward a serious deepening of the military confrontation in space,” the Interfax news agency quoted Vitaly Davydov, deputy head of the Russian space agency Roskosmos, as saying. “Now the Americans are saying that they want not only to go to space but they want to dictate to others who else is allowed to go there,” Davydov said, according to the report. The order says the United States will “preserve its rights, capabilities, and freedom of action in space; dissuade or deter others from either impeding those rights or developing capabilities intended to do so” and “deny, if necessary, adversaries the use of space capabilities hostile to U.S. national interests.”
Click HERE for the FULL Story
If this is accurate (?) then I worry. First, that whimpering liberals in our Congress will wring their hands and bow down to Russia. Second, the Russians can kiss my behind - their intent is to put up military weapons.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
If this is accurate (?) then I worry. First, that whimpering liberals in our Congress will wring their hands and bow down to Russia. Second, the Russians can kiss my behind - their intent is to put up military weapons.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Friday, November 24, 2006
Whites only Scholarship Sparks Extreme Rage
BOSTON, Nov. 22, 2006 — Joe Mroszczyk, president of the College Republicans at Boston University, admits he set out to stir up a hornet's nest when he came up with the idea of offering a whites-only scholarship at the school. But he got a little more buzz than he bargained for.
"To tell you the truth, we didn't see this coming," Mroszczyk said. "The Drudge Report picked it up yesterday, and today I just finished a round of national interviews. It's kind of overwhelming."
All the media attention is focused on a $250 Caucasian Achievement and Recognition Scholarship offered by Mroszczyk and the BU chapter of the College Republicans. Applicants must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or higher; they must write two essays; and, here's the kicker, they must be at least one-quarter Caucasian.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
A question posed? Why is this so evil? Are there not scholarships for blacks, hispanics, and other ethnic groups? If equality is the goal, then shouldn't all races have targeted scholarships? If not, then how equal is this and how is this not discriminatory to someone else? Think about this question?
"To tell you the truth, we didn't see this coming," Mroszczyk said. "The Drudge Report picked it up yesterday, and today I just finished a round of national interviews. It's kind of overwhelming."
All the media attention is focused on a $250 Caucasian Achievement and Recognition Scholarship offered by Mroszczyk and the BU chapter of the College Republicans. Applicants must have a cumulative grade point average of 3.2 or higher; they must write two essays; and, here's the kicker, they must be at least one-quarter Caucasian.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
A question posed? Why is this so evil? Are there not scholarships for blacks, hispanics, and other ethnic groups? If equality is the goal, then shouldn't all races have targeted scholarships? If not, then how equal is this and how is this not discriminatory to someone else? Think about this question?
Monday, November 20, 2006
Anna Politkovskaya, a Russian journalist, was shot dead on October 7th, aged 48
Anna Politkovskaya: She was brave beyond belief, reporting a gruesome war and a creeping dictatorship with a sharp pen and steel nerves. She was shot dead...
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Click HERE for the WikiPedia Entry
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Click HERE for the WikiPedia Entry
Bush Insiders Turn on Him
The breaking point, he said, was Bush's decision to award Medals of Freedom to occupation chief L. Paul Bremer, Gen. Tommy R. Franks and then-CIA Director George J. Tenet.
"The three individuals who got the highest civilian medals the president can give were responsible for a lot of the debacle that was Iraq," Adelman said. All told, he said, the Bush national security team has proved to be "the most incompetent" of the past half-century. But, he added, "Obviously, the president is ultimately responsible."
Click HERE for the FULL STORY
"The three individuals who got the highest civilian medals the president can give were responsible for a lot of the debacle that was Iraq," Adelman said. All told, he said, the Bush national security team has proved to be "the most incompetent" of the past half-century. But, he added, "Obviously, the president is ultimately responsible."
Click HERE for the FULL STORY
Where is the Outrage?
On November 7, Minnesota became the first state to send a Muslim to Congress. His name is Keith Ellison, a former Catholic who converted to Islam at age 19. While campaigning, he seldom mentioned his faith unless asked about it.
Muslims around the world are celebrating. Even Al-Jazeera gave Ellison's victory front page space. Muslims rightly feel a new sense of acceptance in America after the horrors of 9/11 and the somewhat-justified fear of Muslims that many Americans have of them.
There are some huge concerns, nonetheless. On my radio program last weekend I played a clip of Ellison's acceptance speech. The crowd began shouting "Allah Akbar," meaning "God is greater," which is often spoken during acts of Islamic violence. I am not suggesting Ellison is violent and certainly not suggesting he is a jihadist; however, to hear these words in the usual defiant voice was disturbing.
However, Ellison had ties to Louis Farrakhan's "Nation of Islam." Why has this been played down? His Republican opponent, Alan Fine, was concerned about these past ties though Ellison tried to deny them. But when Ellison denounced Farrakhan, he even got some Jewish votes in this raging blue state of Minnesota.
Ellison will be sworn in on a Koran. So now the Bible is equivalent to the Koran in the halls of Congress? Doesn't this then mean he is pledging allegiance to Islamic Law (Sharia) rather than our Constitution? Where is the outrage here?
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Muslims around the world are celebrating. Even Al-Jazeera gave Ellison's victory front page space. Muslims rightly feel a new sense of acceptance in America after the horrors of 9/11 and the somewhat-justified fear of Muslims that many Americans have of them.
There are some huge concerns, nonetheless. On my radio program last weekend I played a clip of Ellison's acceptance speech. The crowd began shouting "Allah Akbar," meaning "God is greater," which is often spoken during acts of Islamic violence. I am not suggesting Ellison is violent and certainly not suggesting he is a jihadist; however, to hear these words in the usual defiant voice was disturbing.
However, Ellison had ties to Louis Farrakhan's "Nation of Islam." Why has this been played down? His Republican opponent, Alan Fine, was concerned about these past ties though Ellison tried to deny them. But when Ellison denounced Farrakhan, he even got some Jewish votes in this raging blue state of Minnesota.
Ellison will be sworn in on a Koran. So now the Bible is equivalent to the Koran in the halls of Congress? Doesn't this then mean he is pledging allegiance to Islamic Law (Sharia) rather than our Constitution? Where is the outrage here?
Click HERE for the FULL Story
President Bush Dissolving the United States On Purpose
"People have to understand what we're talking about here. The president of the United States is an internationalist," said Rep. Tom Tancredo, R-Colo. "He is going to do what he can to create a place where the idea of America is just that – it's an idea. It's not an actual place defined by borders. I mean this is where this guy is really going."
Tancredo lashed out at the White House's lack of action in securing U.S. borders, and said efforts to merge the U.S. with both Mexico and Canada is not a fantasy.
"I know this is dramatic – or maybe somebody would say overly dramatic – but I'm telling you, that everything I see leads me to believe that this whole idea of the North American Union, it's not something that just is written about by right-wing fringe kooks. It is something in the head of the president of the United States, the president of Mexico, I think the prime minister of Canada buys into it. ...
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Tancredo lashed out at the White House's lack of action in securing U.S. borders, and said efforts to merge the U.S. with both Mexico and Canada is not a fantasy.
"I know this is dramatic – or maybe somebody would say overly dramatic – but I'm telling you, that everything I see leads me to believe that this whole idea of the North American Union, it's not something that just is written about by right-wing fringe kooks. It is something in the head of the president of the United States, the president of Mexico, I think the prime minister of Canada buys into it. ...
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Bush Empowers the Terrorists
President Bush is undermining criticism vital to the survival of Western civilization and empowering terrorist leaders by proclaiming Islam a "religion of peace," says one of the most outspoken critics to emerge from the Muslim world in recent years.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Iran Says it Intends To Vaporize Israel
Iranian newspapers Kehyan and and Resalat have urged Muslims around the world to prepare for a 'great war' to destroy the State of Israel.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Iran Preparing a Holocaust
Drawing a direct analogy between Iran and Nazi Germany, Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu asserted Monday that the Iranian nuclear program posed a threat not only to Israel, but to the entire western world.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Iran is Preparing a Holocaust
Drawing a direct analogy between Iran and Nazi Germany, Likud leader Benjamin Netanyahu asserted Monday that the Iranian nuclear program posed a threat not only to Israel, but to the entire western world.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Conyers Set to Destroy America
John Conyers, son of a leftist Detroit union activist, represents the largest Arab population in the country. His district includes Dearborn, Mich., nicknamed "Dearbornistan" by locals fed up with cultural encroachment and terror fears from a steady influx of Mideast immigrants.
Conyers, who runs an Arabic version of his official Web site, does the bidding of these new constituents and the militant Islamist activists who feed off them. They want to kill the Patriot Act and prevent the FBI from profiling Muslim suspects in terror investigations. They also want to end the use of undisclosed evidence against suspected Arab terrorists in deportation proceedings.
And the 77-year-old Conyers has vowed to deliver those changes for them.
Click HERE for this "End of America" news...
Conyers, who runs an Arabic version of his official Web site, does the bidding of these new constituents and the militant Islamist activists who feed off them. They want to kill the Patriot Act and prevent the FBI from profiling Muslim suspects in terror investigations. They also want to end the use of undisclosed evidence against suspected Arab terrorists in deportation proceedings.
And the 77-year-old Conyers has vowed to deliver those changes for them.
Click HERE for this "End of America" news...
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Is the ‘Survivalist’ a loony?
Why is the survivalist thought of as a loony when he makes ready to face events that are just as much a part of history and nature as the sunset and the changing of the seasons.
Survivalists are people that have loved ones they don't want to see hurt or killed, they have homes they don't want to see destroyed, they are not fools to think that just because they are survivalists a world cataclysm would be fun for them or that they would not experience danger, loss, hunger, injury, cold or even despair and death.
No, they will NOT be disappointed if there is no disaster to survive, anymore than the Red Cross is disappointed when there are no floods and storms or the man who buys an insurance policy is disappointed when his house fails to burn down.
It is most regrettable indeed, that many people consider survivalists as a threat and regard them with suspicion and even hostility. I suppose this is not really surprising when the press and media plug at the ‘Rambo’ type as being the typical ‘survivalist’. This attitude is logically indefensible and is rooted in the nonsurvivalists own sense of fear and guilt. Subconsciously, the nonsurvivalist may hate the survivalist for reminding him of how fragile his own lifestyle is.
An intelligent approach to survivalism would recognize that while individual efforts and skills are important, it is vital for people to survive AS A GROUP and that for such survival, in-depth organization will be necessary.
Short-term survivalism is a brief struggle for life, with the ultimate goal of returning to a normal or nearly normal situation. Some examples are:
* Keeping yourself alive after becoming lost in the woods.
* Keeping yourself and your passengers safe when your car becomes stuck in a blizzard.
* Surviving long enough to be rescued after you've broken a leg hiking.
You can see from this list that it's not inconceivable for a normal person to be in a short-term survival situation. If you engage in any outdoor leisure, it's a good idea to learn a little about short-term survivalism.
Long-term survivalism is an extended struggle for life, with little or no hope of returning to a normal or nearly normal situation. Some examples of long-term survivalism are:
* Heading to the woods after a societal collapse.
* Getting lost in a vast wilderness area, such as Alaska or the Amazon.
* Being stranded in an undeveloped country, days or weeks away from help.
With the exception of a societal collapse, you'd have to go out of your way to find yourself in a long-term survival situation. The survivalist is simply being prepared for a short- OR long-term situation where they must be self-sufficient.
So lets get the facts right. Let's get the facts turned around right. Every person who has NOT made provisions for surviving without food, water, fuel and other essential needs from the outside is a mortal danger to his, or her, neighbors.
What will a man do when he and his family are freezing, hungry, thirsty, sick and starving? He may ask, or he may beg his neighbors for help, but when they have no extra fuel, food, water or medicine to give, will he just go back home to die with his wife and kids? What do you think?
Survival preparation should be regarded as a social obligation, one that every individual owes to his family and community and neighbors, and his nation.
Survivalists are people that have loved ones they don't want to see hurt or killed, they have homes they don't want to see destroyed, they are not fools to think that just because they are survivalists a world cataclysm would be fun for them or that they would not experience danger, loss, hunger, injury, cold or even despair and death.
No, they will NOT be disappointed if there is no disaster to survive, anymore than the Red Cross is disappointed when there are no floods and storms or the man who buys an insurance policy is disappointed when his house fails to burn down.
It is most regrettable indeed, that many people consider survivalists as a threat and regard them with suspicion and even hostility. I suppose this is not really surprising when the press and media plug at the ‘Rambo’ type as being the typical ‘survivalist’. This attitude is logically indefensible and is rooted in the nonsurvivalists own sense of fear and guilt. Subconsciously, the nonsurvivalist may hate the survivalist for reminding him of how fragile his own lifestyle is.
An intelligent approach to survivalism would recognize that while individual efforts and skills are important, it is vital for people to survive AS A GROUP and that for such survival, in-depth organization will be necessary.
Short-term survivalism is a brief struggle for life, with the ultimate goal of returning to a normal or nearly normal situation. Some examples are:
* Keeping yourself alive after becoming lost in the woods.
* Keeping yourself and your passengers safe when your car becomes stuck in a blizzard.
* Surviving long enough to be rescued after you've broken a leg hiking.
You can see from this list that it's not inconceivable for a normal person to be in a short-term survival situation. If you engage in any outdoor leisure, it's a good idea to learn a little about short-term survivalism.
Long-term survivalism is an extended struggle for life, with little or no hope of returning to a normal or nearly normal situation. Some examples of long-term survivalism are:
* Heading to the woods after a societal collapse.
* Getting lost in a vast wilderness area, such as Alaska or the Amazon.
* Being stranded in an undeveloped country, days or weeks away from help.
With the exception of a societal collapse, you'd have to go out of your way to find yourself in a long-term survival situation. The survivalist is simply being prepared for a short- OR long-term situation where they must be self-sufficient.
So lets get the facts right. Let's get the facts turned around right. Every person who has NOT made provisions for surviving without food, water, fuel and other essential needs from the outside is a mortal danger to his, or her, neighbors.
What will a man do when he and his family are freezing, hungry, thirsty, sick and starving? He may ask, or he may beg his neighbors for help, but when they have no extra fuel, food, water or medicine to give, will he just go back home to die with his wife and kids? What do you think?
Survival preparation should be regarded as a social obligation, one that every individual owes to his family and community and neighbors, and his nation.
A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them;
the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.
- Proverbs 22:3
the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.
- Proverbs 22:3
Friday, November 03, 2006
Incompetence Part 2
Kenneth Adelman: "The most dispiriting and awful moment of the whole administration was the day that Bush gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom to [former C.I.A. director] George Tenet, General Tommy Franks, and [Coalition Provisional Authority chief] Jerry [Paul] Bremer—three of the most incompetent people who've ever served in such key spots. And they get the highest civilian honor a president can bestow on anyone! That was the day I checked out of this administration. It was then I thought, There's no seriousness here, these are not serious people. If he had been serious, the president would have realized that those three are each directly responsible for the disaster of Iraq."
Incompetence Has Ruined Iraq
I remember sitting with Richard Perle in his suite at London's Grosvenor House hotel and receiving a private lecture on the importance of securing victory in Iraq. "Iraq is a very good candidate for democratic reform," he said. "It won't be Westminster overnight, but the great democracies of the world didn't achieve the full, rich structure of democratic governance overnight. The Iraqis have a decent chance of succeeding."
Three years later, Perle and I meet again at his home outside Washington, D.C. It is October, the worst month for U.S. casualties in Iraq in almost two years, and Republicans are bracing for losses in the upcoming midterm elections. According to Perle, who left the Defense Policy Board in 2004, this unfolding catastrophe has a central cause: devastating dysfunction within the administration of President George W. Bush. Perle says, "The decisions did not get made that should have been. They didn't get made in a timely fashion, and the differences were argued out endlessly.… At the end of the day, you have to hold the president responsible.…
What do the rest of the pro-war neoconservatives think? I expect to encounter disappointment. What I find instead is despair, and fury at the incompetence of the Bush administration the neoconservatives once saw as their brightest hope.
To David Frum, the former White House speechwriter who co-wrote Bush's 2002 State of the Union address that accused Iraq of being part of an "axis of evil," it now looks as if defeat may be inescapable, because "the insurgency has proven it can kill anyone who cooperates, and the United States and its friends have failed to prove that it can protect them." This situation, he says, must ultimately be blamed on "failure at the center"—starting with President Bush.
Click HERE for the FULL DISMAL Story
Three years later, Perle and I meet again at his home outside Washington, D.C. It is October, the worst month for U.S. casualties in Iraq in almost two years, and Republicans are bracing for losses in the upcoming midterm elections. According to Perle, who left the Defense Policy Board in 2004, this unfolding catastrophe has a central cause: devastating dysfunction within the administration of President George W. Bush. Perle says, "The decisions did not get made that should have been. They didn't get made in a timely fashion, and the differences were argued out endlessly.… At the end of the day, you have to hold the president responsible.…
What do the rest of the pro-war neoconservatives think? I expect to encounter disappointment. What I find instead is despair, and fury at the incompetence of the Bush administration the neoconservatives once saw as their brightest hope.
To David Frum, the former White House speechwriter who co-wrote Bush's 2002 State of the Union address that accused Iraq of being part of an "axis of evil," it now looks as if defeat may be inescapable, because "the insurgency has proven it can kill anyone who cooperates, and the United States and its friends have failed to prove that it can protect them." This situation, he says, must ultimately be blamed on "failure at the center"—starting with President Bush.
Click HERE for the FULL DISMAL Story
Great - Six More Muslim States Want Nukes
THE SPECTRE of a nuclear race in the Middle East was raised yesterday when six Arab states announced that they were embarking on programmes to master atomic technology.
The move, which follows the failure by the West to curb Iran’s controversial nuclear programme, could see a rapid spread of nuclear reactors in one of the world’s most unstable regions, stretching from the Gulf to the Levant and into North Africa.
Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, UAE and Saudi Arabia seek atom technology...
Click HERE for the FULL Story
The move, which follows the failure by the West to curb Iran’s controversial nuclear programme, could see a rapid spread of nuclear reactors in one of the world’s most unstable regions, stretching from the Gulf to the Levant and into North Africa.
Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia, UAE and Saudi Arabia seek atom technology...
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Peaceful Muslims Kill Christians for being Christian
A website in Assyria is confirming that a 14-year-old Christian boy who was working a 12-hour shift maintaining an electric generator has been murdered by Muslim insurgents.
The Assyrian International News Agency said the tragedy was reported by an Assyrian language web page at
The youth was identified as Ayad Tariq, who lived in Baqouba, Iraq, and was at work on Oct. 21 when a group of "disguised Muslim insurgents" went into the power plant shortly after his shift began at 6 a.m.
The website reported the insurgents asked him for his identification and, according to other witnesses who hid and stayed alive to report on the attack, questioned his identification card's reference to him as a "Christian."
Are you truly a "Christian sinner," they asked. "Yes, I am Christian but I am not a sinner," he replied. The insurgents then called him a "dirty Christian sinner," grabbed his limbs and held them while beheading him, the witnesses reported.
They were shouting, "Allahu akbar! Allahu Akbar!" during the murder, witnesses said.
Such peaceful and loving people are the Muslims... Wake up America!!
The Assyrian International News Agency said the tragedy was reported by an Assyrian language web page at
The youth was identified as Ayad Tariq, who lived in Baqouba, Iraq, and was at work on Oct. 21 when a group of "disguised Muslim insurgents" went into the power plant shortly after his shift began at 6 a.m.
The website reported the insurgents asked him for his identification and, according to other witnesses who hid and stayed alive to report on the attack, questioned his identification card's reference to him as a "Christian."
Are you truly a "Christian sinner," they asked. "Yes, I am Christian but I am not a sinner," he replied. The insurgents then called him a "dirty Christian sinner," grabbed his limbs and held them while beheading him, the witnesses reported.
They were shouting, "Allahu akbar! Allahu Akbar!" during the murder, witnesses said.
Such peaceful and loving people are the Muslims... Wake up America!!
Friday, October 27, 2006
Mexico Whimpers Like a Little Spoiled Brat
MEXICO CITY — Mexico, supported by 27 other nations, made a declaration at the Organization of American States slamming U.S. plans to build hundreds of miles (kilometers) of fence on its southern border.
The declaration, read aloud Wednesday at the OAS headquarters in Washington, said the barriers would not solve the immigration problem and urged the U.S. government to rethink its position, according to press releases from the OAS and Mexican foreign ministry.
The 28 nations express "deep concern regarding the decision adopted by the United States of America to build and extend a wall on its border with Mexico, considering it to be a unilateral measure that goes against the spirit of understanding," it said in the declaration, which was read out by Mexico's Ambassador Alejandro Garcia Moreno.
You know, Mexico, that's just too damn bad! If you weren't so corrupt and crooked, maybe people wouldn't be fleeing like they are. Guess what, Mexico? I'm an American citizen... people entering this country illegally are NOT American citizens and I'm sick of paying for their schooling, hospitalization, social security, and I'm sick as hell of you encouraging your people to come here illegally to scam us, steal from us, kill us, wreck into us, and bankrupt us. You're the country with the problem, not us. Now, you want to come here LEGALLY? We'll welcome you with open arms - but you best learn ENGLISH first! English is the LANGUAGE OF AMERICA like it or not. Them's the rules. Play by them, and be welcome as neighbors and citizens, or get the hell out.
Click HERE for the FULL Pathetic Story
The declaration, read aloud Wednesday at the OAS headquarters in Washington, said the barriers would not solve the immigration problem and urged the U.S. government to rethink its position, according to press releases from the OAS and Mexican foreign ministry.
The 28 nations express "deep concern regarding the decision adopted by the United States of America to build and extend a wall on its border with Mexico, considering it to be a unilateral measure that goes against the spirit of understanding," it said in the declaration, which was read out by Mexico's Ambassador Alejandro Garcia Moreno.
You know, Mexico, that's just too damn bad! If you weren't so corrupt and crooked, maybe people wouldn't be fleeing like they are. Guess what, Mexico? I'm an American citizen... people entering this country illegally are NOT American citizens and I'm sick of paying for their schooling, hospitalization, social security, and I'm sick as hell of you encouraging your people to come here illegally to scam us, steal from us, kill us, wreck into us, and bankrupt us. You're the country with the problem, not us. Now, you want to come here LEGALLY? We'll welcome you with open arms - but you best learn ENGLISH first! English is the LANGUAGE OF AMERICA like it or not. Them's the rules. Play by them, and be welcome as neighbors and citizens, or get the hell out.
Click HERE for the FULL Pathetic Story
Prepare for War
Middle East experts give their forecasts for the coming months in the region, warn of 'terrible deterioration' on Israel's northern border
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Hitler and Stalin Were Possessed - More Evil to go Around Lately Too
Did Hitler have an unusually intimate familiarity with the devil? That’s what Rome’s chief exorcist Father Gabriel Amorth says — and Pope Benedict at one point, seemed to agree.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Webb - Crazy Author Who Thinks He Should Represent You
In an interview on Washington Post Radio Friday morning, Jim Webb, the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Virginia, said excerpts of his novels are "a little bit inappropriate" to be read on news radio. "I don't know why you're reading that on WTOP," Webb told host Mark Plotkin. "I think it's a little bit inappropriate." Plotkin was reading an excerpt from Webb's novel "Something to Die For," in which Webb describes a female stripper performing sexual acts with a banana.
The campaign of Republican Sen. George Allen on Thursday released excerpts from some of the war novels Webb wrote between 1978 and 2002. The books include some graphic sexual passages, as well as frequent uses of a racial slur for blacks and descriptions of Vietnamese women as "monkey-faced." Among the excerpts is a scene from the 2002 novel "Lost Soldiers," in which a man embraces his four-year-old son and places the boy's penis in his mouth.
Webb said the release of the excerpts was "a Karl Rove campaign tactic... It's smear after smear."
Well, Webb DID write these words and he did publish these words, did he not? What is he ashamed of? And he calls this a smear - right! Webb, a journalist (great - just what we need is a journalist in office), seems to be backing away from the truth here. So what would he do as a politician representing your district in a difficult situation?
Senator Dodd thinks Webb is a great guy and a great writer - figures. But then again, there are wild wild stories from the bars about Sen. Dodd and Sen. Kennedy's behavior with women. So... go figure. Personally, I think they're all scum, and Webb is not suited to make decisions about your children - regardless of party affiliation.
The campaign of Republican Sen. George Allen on Thursday released excerpts from some of the war novels Webb wrote between 1978 and 2002. The books include some graphic sexual passages, as well as frequent uses of a racial slur for blacks and descriptions of Vietnamese women as "monkey-faced." Among the excerpts is a scene from the 2002 novel "Lost Soldiers," in which a man embraces his four-year-old son and places the boy's penis in his mouth.
Webb said the release of the excerpts was "a Karl Rove campaign tactic... It's smear after smear."
Well, Webb DID write these words and he did publish these words, did he not? What is he ashamed of? And he calls this a smear - right! Webb, a journalist (great - just what we need is a journalist in office), seems to be backing away from the truth here. So what would he do as a politician representing your district in a difficult situation?
Senator Dodd thinks Webb is a great guy and a great writer - figures. But then again, there are wild wild stories from the bars about Sen. Dodd and Sen. Kennedy's behavior with women. So... go figure. Personally, I think they're all scum, and Webb is not suited to make decisions about your children - regardless of party affiliation.
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Habeas Corpus
The United States Constitution states, "The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it." (Article One, section nine).
So what's all the noise about? Are we at war or not? Have we, and are we being invaded or not?
So what's all the noise about? Are we at war or not? Have we, and are we being invaded or not?
Watching Germany - Part 3
A Nazi-era law requiring all children to attend public school, to avoid "the emergence of parallel societies based on separate philosophical convictions" that could be taught by parents at home, apparently is triggering a Nazi-like response from police.
The word comes from Netzwerk Bildungsfreiheit, or Network for Freedom in Education, which confirmed that children in a family in Bissingen, in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, have been forcibly hauled to a public school.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
The word comes from Netzwerk Bildungsfreiheit, or Network for Freedom in Education, which confirmed that children in a family in Bissingen, in the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, have been forcibly hauled to a public school.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Watching Germany - Part 2
In a move likely to fuel controversy, German Defense Minister Franz Josef Jung called Tuesday for troops to be deployed on homeland anti-terror missions if necessary.
In an address to the 5th Congress of European Defense, which is currently underway in Berlin, German Defense Minister Franz Josef Jung said the difference between internal and external security was now so fluid that both elements had to be better "interlocked."
"The German armed forces must be deployed for domestic missions in cases where it is the only body with necessary capabilities," Jung said according to an advance text of his speech.
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In an address to the 5th Congress of European Defense, which is currently underway in Berlin, German Defense Minister Franz Josef Jung said the difference between internal and external security was now so fluid that both elements had to be better "interlocked."
"The German armed forces must be deployed for domestic missions in cases where it is the only body with necessary capabilities," Jung said according to an advance text of his speech.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Watching Germany - Part 1
Germany in radical shake-up of military
Germany will on Wednesday adopt the most radical restructuring of its military since 1945, turning the Bundeswehr into an international intervention force, according to an internal cabinet strategy paper obtained by the Financial Times.
The paper, which will be endorsed at a special cabinet meeting in the defence ministry, is the product of a review – the first of its kind since 1994 – begun by Angela Merkel, chancellor, after she won office last November. It will see Germany’s military officially abandon its primary postwar task of defending the country’s borders in favour of a more robust role for German troops on international missions.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Watch for the rise of the Germans again...
Germany will on Wednesday adopt the most radical restructuring of its military since 1945, turning the Bundeswehr into an international intervention force, according to an internal cabinet strategy paper obtained by the Financial Times.
The paper, which will be endorsed at a special cabinet meeting in the defence ministry, is the product of a review – the first of its kind since 1994 – begun by Angela Merkel, chancellor, after she won office last November. It will see Germany’s military officially abandon its primary postwar task of defending the country’s borders in favour of a more robust role for German troops on international missions.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Watch for the rise of the Germans again...
Where is the outrage now??
A Muslim cleric's claim that women who do not wear the veil are like 'uncovered meat' who attract sexual predators sparked outrage around Australia yesterday.
Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, the nation's most senior Muslim cleric, compared immodestly-dressed women who do not wear the Islamic headdress with meat that is left uncovered in the street and is then eaten by cats.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Where are the woman's LIB groups? Why the silence?
Sheik Taj Din al-Hilali, the nation's most senior Muslim cleric, compared immodestly-dressed women who do not wear the Islamic headdress with meat that is left uncovered in the street and is then eaten by cats.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Where are the woman's LIB groups? Why the silence?
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
The Collapse of Christianity and the Rise of Islam
The English writer G.K. Chesterton feared that if Christianity ever began to disappear, "superstition would drown out all your old rationalism and skepticism." He is often quoted as saying that when people stop believing in God "they don't believe in nothing, but in anything."
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Click HERE for the FULL Story
The Dark Ages Return - within our lifetime
Much of what we loosely call the Western world will not survive the twenty-first century, and much of it will effectively disappear within our lifetimes, including many if not most European countries.
Whether we like what replaces it depends on whether America can summon the will to shape at least part of the emerging world. If not, then it's also the end of the American moment, and the dawn of the new Dark Ages (if darkness can dawn): a planet on which much of the map is re-primitivized.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Whether we like what replaces it depends on whether America can summon the will to shape at least part of the emerging world. If not, then it's also the end of the American moment, and the dawn of the new Dark Ages (if darkness can dawn): a planet on which much of the map is re-primitivized.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Wake up and smell the Invasion
Denver Public Schools stagger under the crush of 30,000 illegal alien students with violence, drugs, one out of five teachers resigns every nine month teaching cycle, over a dozen foreign languages and a 67 percent drop out/flunk out rate.
Tuberculosis pops up in Colorado with new cases in their schools. A similar scenario manifests across America depending on the number of illegal aliens in each state.
Violent crime rained down on Denver in October. One illegal alien dragged his girlfriend to death behind his car. Another illegal shot another illegal at a job site. Yet another illegal shot-gunned his girlfriend in the back because she wouldn’t reconcile with him! Still another illegal ran a stop sign a week ago. She crashed into a truck killing her three children.
Last year, in Greeley, Colorado with 70,000 residents, they logged 571 hit and run accidents. That city houses the most illegal aliens in our state working at the meat packing plants. (eColi anyone?)
Colorado reels from 300,000 illegal aliens. Citizens wake up each morning to smell the invasion up close and personal.
Click HERE For the FULL Story
Tuberculosis pops up in Colorado with new cases in their schools. A similar scenario manifests across America depending on the number of illegal aliens in each state.
Violent crime rained down on Denver in October. One illegal alien dragged his girlfriend to death behind his car. Another illegal shot another illegal at a job site. Yet another illegal shot-gunned his girlfriend in the back because she wouldn’t reconcile with him! Still another illegal ran a stop sign a week ago. She crashed into a truck killing her three children.
Last year, in Greeley, Colorado with 70,000 residents, they logged 571 hit and run accidents. That city houses the most illegal aliens in our state working at the meat packing plants. (eColi anyone?)
Colorado reels from 300,000 illegal aliens. Citizens wake up each morning to smell the invasion up close and personal.
Click HERE For the FULL Story
That Good Old Religion of Peace
A new 10 minute video entitled "Rise Up" was posted on Islamist websites on October 22, 2006, and was described as "a gift for 'Eid Al-Fitr." Al-Qaeda leaders and commanders, including bin Laden, Al-Zawahiri, Al-Zarqawi and a number of unidentified young men call upon the Muslims to join the jihad. Al-Zawahiri says: "I urge you, in [the name of] the duty of jihad, which is incumbent upon every Muslim, to hurry and pursue martyrdom in order to kill the Crusaders and the Zionists."
Click HERE for the FULL story
Click HERE for the FULL story
President Bush declares Islam is a great religion
Bush: Islam great religion
US President George Bush sent his greetings to Muslims around the world on the start of the Id el-Fitr holiday, saying ‘Islam is a great religion.’ Bush said the US is stronger because of its Muslim citizens. (AFP)
Click HERE for the FULL Story
You have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME...! Bush must be drinking heavily again...
US President George Bush sent his greetings to Muslims around the world on the start of the Id el-Fitr holiday, saying ‘Islam is a great religion.’ Bush said the US is stronger because of its Muslim citizens. (AFP)
Click HERE for the FULL Story
You have GOT TO BE KIDDING ME...! Bush must be drinking heavily again...
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Senator Ted Kennedy - Traitor
The antipathy that congressional Democrats have today toward President George W. Bush is reminiscent of their distrust of President Ronald Reagan during the Cold War, a political science professor says.
"We see some of the same sentiments today, in that some Democrats see the Republican president as being a threat and the true obstacle to peace, instead of seeing our enemies as the true danger," said Paul Kengor, a political science professor at Grove City College and the author of new book, The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism.
In his book, which came out this week, Kengor focuses on a KGB letter written at the height of the Cold War that shows that Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) offered to assist Soviet [Communist] leaders in formulating a public relations strategy to counter President Reagan's [American] foreign policy and to complicate his re-election efforts.
The letter, dated May 14, 1983, was sent from the head of the KGB to Yuri Andropov, who was then General Secretary of the Soviet Union's Communist Party.
In his letter, KGB head Viktor Chebrikov offered Andropov his interpretation of Kennedy's offer. Former U.S. Sen. John Tunney (D-Calif.) had traveled to Moscow on behalf of Kennedy to seek out a partnership with Andropov and other Soviet [Communist] officials, says Kengor.
Click HERE for Full Story
Kennedy not only gets away with MURDER, but his family members get away with RAPE. Now we discover that Kennedy throws in with the Communists at the height of the COLD WAR. The man is a traitor.
"We see some of the same sentiments today, in that some Democrats see the Republican president as being a threat and the true obstacle to peace, instead of seeing our enemies as the true danger," said Paul Kengor, a political science professor at Grove City College and the author of new book, The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism.
In his book, which came out this week, Kengor focuses on a KGB letter written at the height of the Cold War that shows that Sen. Edward Kennedy (D-Mass.) offered to assist Soviet [Communist] leaders in formulating a public relations strategy to counter President Reagan's [American] foreign policy and to complicate his re-election efforts.
The letter, dated May 14, 1983, was sent from the head of the KGB to Yuri Andropov, who was then General Secretary of the Soviet Union's Communist Party.
In his letter, KGB head Viktor Chebrikov offered Andropov his interpretation of Kennedy's offer. Former U.S. Sen. John Tunney (D-Calif.) had traveled to Moscow on behalf of Kennedy to seek out a partnership with Andropov and other Soviet [Communist] officials, says Kengor.
Click HERE for Full Story
Kennedy not only gets away with MURDER, but his family members get away with RAPE. Now we discover that Kennedy throws in with the Communists at the height of the COLD WAR. The man is a traitor.
Friday, October 20, 2006
Thursday, October 19, 2006
It's Insane - Border Patrol sentenced for stopping drug dealer
EL PASO, Texas Two former U.S. Border Patrol agents were each sentenced Thursday to more than a decade in federal prison for shooting and wounding a Mexican drug smuggler and trying to cover it up.
Ignacio Ramos was sentenced to 11 years and one day, and Jose Alonso Compean was sentenced to 12 years. Both were fired after their convictions on several charges, including assault with a deadly weapon, obstruction of justice, and a civil rights violation.
The men, neither of whom spoke in court, will be allowed to turn themselves in Jan. 17.
The agents have proclaimed their innocence in the Feb. 17, 2005, shooting in the buttocks of admitted drug smuggler Osvlado Aldrete Davila.
Their convictions have drawn criticism from members of the U.S. Congress and others who say the men are being punished for doing their jobs. A handful of protesters outside the courtroom held signs with messages such as "Trial's for Criminals, Not Cops" and "Miscarriage of Justice to Convict Heroes!"
Before the sentencing, Walter Boyaki, a U.S. civil lawyer for the victim, asked the judge to do her job "and not have the possibility that we put a bull's-eye on every illegal alien and say 'Go get 'em.'"
Boyake said Aldrete was physically incapacitated and could not be in court Thursday.
Aldrete was shot as he fled across the Rio Grande into Mexico after a confrontation with Ramos and Compean. The agents said they shot in self defense, but prosecutors charged that they had no reason to shoot at the fleeing man, who later claimed he was unarmed.
Click HERE for the WHOLE UNREAL Story
Ignacio Ramos was sentenced to 11 years and one day, and Jose Alonso Compean was sentenced to 12 years. Both were fired after their convictions on several charges, including assault with a deadly weapon, obstruction of justice, and a civil rights violation.
The men, neither of whom spoke in court, will be allowed to turn themselves in Jan. 17.
The agents have proclaimed their innocence in the Feb. 17, 2005, shooting in the buttocks of admitted drug smuggler Osvlado Aldrete Davila.
Their convictions have drawn criticism from members of the U.S. Congress and others who say the men are being punished for doing their jobs. A handful of protesters outside the courtroom held signs with messages such as "Trial's for Criminals, Not Cops" and "Miscarriage of Justice to Convict Heroes!"
Before the sentencing, Walter Boyaki, a U.S. civil lawyer for the victim, asked the judge to do her job "and not have the possibility that we put a bull's-eye on every illegal alien and say 'Go get 'em.'"
Boyake said Aldrete was physically incapacitated and could not be in court Thursday.
Aldrete was shot as he fled across the Rio Grande into Mexico after a confrontation with Ramos and Compean. The agents said they shot in self defense, but prosecutors charged that they had no reason to shoot at the fleeing man, who later claimed he was unarmed.
Click HERE for the WHOLE UNREAL Story
How Bill Clinton ushered in the Muslim Threat
A man arrested as a terror suspect for allegedly trying to transport $340,000 from a group tied to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi, and who reputedly had connections to Osama bin Laden, helped write the "Religious Expression in Public Schools" guidelines issued by President Clinton during his tenure in office.
And that could explain why students at a California school were told as part of their required classes they would become Muslims and pray to Allah – and a federal judge approved that, and why an Oregon school this year is delivering similar lessons to its students.
Abdurahman Alamoudi, who was president of the American Muslim Council and a supporter of Hamas and Hezbollah, worked with President Clinton and the American Civil Liberties Union when the guidelines, launched by Clinton in 1995, were being developed, according to reports.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
And that could explain why students at a California school were told as part of their required classes they would become Muslims and pray to Allah – and a federal judge approved that, and why an Oregon school this year is delivering similar lessons to its students.
Abdurahman Alamoudi, who was president of the American Muslim Council and a supporter of Hamas and Hezbollah, worked with President Clinton and the American Civil Liberties Union when the guidelines, launched by Clinton in 1995, were being developed, according to reports.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
Man is fired and gets bonus of $84 million for it
Viacom Inc. plans to pay $84.8 million to former Chief Executive Officer Tom Freston, ousted by Chairman Sumner Redstone last month after less than a year in the top job.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
You have got to be kidding me...! Do I really need to explain why we are in such deep trouble?
Click HERE for the FULL Story
You have got to be kidding me...! Do I really need to explain why we are in such deep trouble?
Who are the stupid people here?
If I owned UPS and Fedex stock, I would be upset to read in the Adrian Van Eck newsletter that "Chinese Party bosses have just shoved through shocking new rules that will strip away 90% of the Chinese international small-package market FROM UPS and Fedex and reserve it for Red China's state-owned carriers". And this is just after the American firms had invested Millions of Dollars in China and developed techniques that showed Beijing how to organize this activity.
Who's stupid here?
Who's stupid here?
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
North Korean Warhead Found in Alaska
The warhead of a long-range missile test-fired by North Korea was found in the U.S. state of Alaska, a report to the National Assembly revealed yesterday.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
And just think, North Korea declared war on us this weekend.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
And just think, North Korea declared war on us this weekend.
Hillary NOT named after Sir Edmund after all!
For more than a decade, one piece of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s informal biography has been that she was named for Sir Edmund Hillary, the conqueror of Mount Everest. The story was even recounted in Bill Clinton’s autobiography.
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Yeah, and Barbie Dals were named after the Dali Lama and I was named for William the Conquerer. Give me a break... lies and lies - finally unraveling.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Yeah, and Barbie Dals were named after the Dali Lama and I was named for William the Conquerer. Give me a break... lies and lies - finally unraveling.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Bush Buys Land in Northern Paraguay
Buenos Aires, Oct 13 (Prensa Latina) An Argentine official regarded the intention of the George W. Bush family to settle on the Acuifero Guarani (Paraguay) as surprising, besides being a bad signal for the governments of the region. Luis D Elia, undersecretary for the Social Habitat in the Argentine Federal Planning Ministry, issued a memo partially reproduced by digital, in which he spoke of the purchase by Bush of a 98,842-acre farm in northern Paraguay, between Brazil and Bolivia. The news circulated Thursday in non-official sources in Asuncion, Paraguay.
D Elia considered this Bush step counterproductive for the regional power expressed by Presidents Nestor Kirchner, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Evo Morales, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro. He said that "it is a bad signal that the Bush family is doing business with natural resources linked to the future of MERCOSUR." The official pointed out that this situation could cause a hypothetical conflict of all the armies in the region, and called attention to the Bush family habit of associating business and politics.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
D Elia considered this Bush step counterproductive for the regional power expressed by Presidents Nestor Kirchner, Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Evo Morales, Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro. He said that "it is a bad signal that the Bush family is doing business with natural resources linked to the future of MERCOSUR." The official pointed out that this situation could cause a hypothetical conflict of all the armies in the region, and called attention to the Bush family habit of associating business and politics.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Friday, October 13, 2006
Elephants and a Full Blown Mariachi Band Test Border Security - Border Security Failed
Republican uses animals, mariachi band to critique US southern border security!
October 11, 2006 — Reports of an elephant crossing the river or people trying to smuggle an elephant across were rampant Tuesday while an elaborate political stunt was taking shape near the mouth of the Rio Grande.
“The elephant never made landfall into Mexico, but I tell you something, he could have made 15 laps back and forth, but no one showed up,” said Raj Peter Bhakta, a former star on the NBC show “The Apprentice,” who also is a Republican candidate for the 13th District U.S. House of Representatives seat in Eastern Pennsylvania. He was in Brownsville to raise funds with friends and decided to get a first-hand look at border security while he was here, he said. In Brownsville, he witnessed half a dozen men swim under one of the international bridges “with complete immunity” which in turn prompted him to take the immigration issue to the next level.
Three elephants, two African and an Asian, were taken out to a ranch near Boca Chica beach to perform, the 31-year-old Bhakta said. Bhakta decided to see if he could get an elephant accompanied by a six-piece mariachi band across the river. “To my surprise, the band played on, the elephants splashed away, and nobody showed up,” Bhakta said of the stunt. “I’m astounded.”
Click HERE for the WHOLE story
October 11, 2006 — Reports of an elephant crossing the river or people trying to smuggle an elephant across were rampant Tuesday while an elaborate political stunt was taking shape near the mouth of the Rio Grande.
“The elephant never made landfall into Mexico, but I tell you something, he could have made 15 laps back and forth, but no one showed up,” said Raj Peter Bhakta, a former star on the NBC show “The Apprentice,” who also is a Republican candidate for the 13th District U.S. House of Representatives seat in Eastern Pennsylvania. He was in Brownsville to raise funds with friends and decided to get a first-hand look at border security while he was here, he said. In Brownsville, he witnessed half a dozen men swim under one of the international bridges “with complete immunity” which in turn prompted him to take the immigration issue to the next level.
Three elephants, two African and an Asian, were taken out to a ranch near Boca Chica beach to perform, the 31-year-old Bhakta said. Bhakta decided to see if he could get an elephant accompanied by a six-piece mariachi band across the river. “To my surprise, the band played on, the elephants splashed away, and nobody showed up,” Bhakta said of the stunt. “I’m astounded.”
Click HERE for the WHOLE story
Saturday, October 07, 2006
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Genius, Warrior, Truth Teller, a Lioness... Oriana will be missed!
God bless this wonderful spirit who is our sister.
She has passed on a torch which we must honour and not waste.
Please Click HERE...
She has passed on a torch which we must honour and not waste.
Please Click HERE...
We are selling out and no longer own or control our own country and must now live on imports while incurring massive debts that can only be repaid through the sale of our wealth producing companies and assets. Very soon we will not even be able to protect or support ourselves as we have sold over 8000 of our best wealth producing companies in the last 10 years to foreigners.
RCA is now a French Company, Zenith is a Korean company, Frigidaire is a Swedish Company, IBM Personal Computer Division with its 500 patents is a Chinese Company, Chrysler is a German Company (they also produced our tanks in WWII), Westinghouse Nuclear Energy is presently being sold to a Japanese Company. Lucent Technology, a former research division of AT&T, along with all the patents acquired from the beginning of the phone system, is now a French company. With the sale of these manufacturing companies the future profit and technologies all belong to foreigners.
RCA is now a French Company, Zenith is a Korean company, Frigidaire is a Swedish Company, IBM Personal Computer Division with its 500 patents is a Chinese Company, Chrysler is a German Company (they also produced our tanks in WWII), Westinghouse Nuclear Energy is presently being sold to a Japanese Company. Lucent Technology, a former research division of AT&T, along with all the patents acquired from the beginning of the phone system, is now a French company. With the sale of these manufacturing companies the future profit and technologies all belong to foreigners.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Hastert and Others MUST GO
Democrats, of course, are so disingenuous in their righteous indignation about Foley. When they were in charge, they allowed Rep. Barney Frank to run a homosexual call-boy ring out of his Capitol office. And they allowed Rep. Gerry Studds to get away with an actual affair with an underage male congressional page. Like Frank, the unrepentant Studds was re-elected by his perverse constituents until he retired in 1996.
But clearly, here is a failure in leadership. Denny Hastart (R, Ill) KNEW of the troubles that were occuring. He said, in one recent interview, that he was vaguely aware of issues surrounding Foley but the family [of the involved teenager] was taken care of , what else did they want? Clearly here is a man not bothered by the activities of Foley but more worried about the political costs. For this, he MUST RESIGN.
But clearly, here is a failure in leadership. Denny Hastart (R, Ill) KNEW of the troubles that were occuring. He said, in one recent interview, that he was vaguely aware of issues surrounding Foley but the family [of the involved teenager] was taken care of , what else did they want? Clearly here is a man not bothered by the activities of Foley but more worried about the political costs. For this, he MUST RESIGN.
Monday, October 02, 2006
This would fit in a suitcase...
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Idiot Women Soldiers Pose Nude
OUISVILLE, KY. -- U.S. Army officials are taking a close look at whether women in a Kentucky National Guard unit posed nude for pictures with their M-16s and other military equipment, authorities said.
A local newspaper reported that it had a disc containing 232 of the photos, which they did not publish, and do not plan to publish, E&P has learned.
Andrew Wolfson, who disclosed the existence of the disc in the Louisville Courier-Journal today, told E&P it came from an "anonymous" source.
"This is not the kind of activity condoned by the command leadership of the Kentucky National Guard," Lt. Col. Phil Miller, a spokesman for the Kentucky Guard, told the newspaper. The allegations were reported to the commander of the 410th Quartermaster unit a week or so before the company shipped out for Iraq on Aug. 26 from Camp Shelby, Miss.
The newspaper reported a compact disc contained 232 photographs of at least a half-dozen nude and seminude women in various poses with military rifles and covering their breasts with American flag decals. An e-mail said the women photographed were from the Kentucky Guard.
What the hell kind of idiot people do we have in the Guard? They need to be court-martialed and drummed out. Idiots!!
Click HERE for the FULL Story
A local newspaper reported that it had a disc containing 232 of the photos, which they did not publish, and do not plan to publish, E&P has learned.
Andrew Wolfson, who disclosed the existence of the disc in the Louisville Courier-Journal today, told E&P it came from an "anonymous" source.
"This is not the kind of activity condoned by the command leadership of the Kentucky National Guard," Lt. Col. Phil Miller, a spokesman for the Kentucky Guard, told the newspaper. The allegations were reported to the commander of the 410th Quartermaster unit a week or so before the company shipped out for Iraq on Aug. 26 from Camp Shelby, Miss.
The newspaper reported a compact disc contained 232 photographs of at least a half-dozen nude and seminude women in various poses with military rifles and covering their breasts with American flag decals. An e-mail said the women photographed were from the Kentucky Guard.
What the hell kind of idiot people do we have in the Guard? They need to be court-martialed and drummed out. Idiots!!
Click HERE for the FULL Story
China fires lasers to disable US satellites!!
"The Chinese are very strategically minded and are extremely active in this arena. They really believe all the stuff written in the 1980s about the high frontier," said one senior former Pentagon official.
There has been increasing alarm in parts of the American military establishment over China's growing military ambitions.
Well yeah...!! Clinton gave them all the secret stuff we had, what would you expect??
Click HERE for the FULL Story
There has been increasing alarm in parts of the American military establishment over China's growing military ambitions.
Well yeah...!! Clinton gave them all the secret stuff we had, what would you expect??
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Shortwave going away
Perhaps it is fitting that a 50-second video clip of an ear-shattering explosion of 13 shortwave radio antenna towers on the Spanish Costa Brava is getting viewers on the Web site YouTube.
It took 32 pounds, or 14.5 kilograms, of dynamite to fell the massive antennas, which long relayed news from the United States to the former Soviet Union. But the most powerful force behind the demolition was the rapidly shifting landscape of radio, where listeners are migrating toward MP3 players, Internet radio and podcasting.
Click HERE for the FULL story
Oh great... as our reliance grows on the internet, we demolish the basic working avenues of communications. Does anyone worry about this? I do. I do a LOT. The internet is so fragile and so tenuous and so able to fall prey to loss of power, viruses, whims of local providers (what good is the internet if your local provider goes belly up) that it scares me half silly that we continue to put ALL our eggs in this one basket.
It took 32 pounds, or 14.5 kilograms, of dynamite to fell the massive antennas, which long relayed news from the United States to the former Soviet Union. But the most powerful force behind the demolition was the rapidly shifting landscape of radio, where listeners are migrating toward MP3 players, Internet radio and podcasting.
Click HERE for the FULL story
Oh great... as our reliance grows on the internet, we demolish the basic working avenues of communications. Does anyone worry about this? I do. I do a LOT. The internet is so fragile and so tenuous and so able to fall prey to loss of power, viruses, whims of local providers (what good is the internet if your local provider goes belly up) that it scares me half silly that we continue to put ALL our eggs in this one basket.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Not able to drop race for even a second eh?
Among many, many other things, Oprah talked about her humble beginnings in Mississippi, and particularly about how her mother's highest aspiration for her was that she might end up cleaning white people's houses, because "they give away nice clothes." And then Oprah pointed out that now that she's Oprah, she has "all these white people" working for her, and that in fact there's only one black person on the staff. Way to turn the tables, girl.
Click HERE to read the FULL Story
Click HERE to read the FULL Story
Monday, September 25, 2006
The politicians are constantly blathering about our “image” in the world and how other nations are not viewing us favorably. Why is it that no one mentions the image of Iraq, or Iran, or the murderous Sudan? Why aren't the North Koreans concerned about their image…or the Chinese? “Americans are better than that,” they say. Is that true? Is America better than that? If so, why? What is it, in the eyes of the world that makes America better than an Iraq? Could it be that the rest of the world recognizes what we refuse to admit? In our striving to be tolerant, diverse, and secular, are we denying the very foundations that the rest of the world recognizes?
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Friday, September 22, 2006
Why you will soon wear robes and bow to Mecca
Western governments and journalism organizations continue to refer to Islam as a "religion of peace," virtually all terrorist acts worldwide – over 5,000 instances since 9-11 – have been committed by Muslims, against Jews, against Christians, against other non-Muslims, even against other types of Muslims.
Yet, there's an even bigger Islamic threat than violent jihad. Today, the West is being transformed by Islam. Especially in Britain and Europe, where Islamic immigration is already well advanced, analysts conclude it's simply a matter of time before some of these nations have Muslim majorities. Then comes Sharia law and the total transformation of these formerly Christian countries into repressive Islamic states.
Exaggeration? Consider that the Netherlands' justice minister, Piet Hein Donner, recently announced he would welcome Sharia law to his European nation – already rapidly filling up with Muslims – if the majority votes for it. Under Sharia, just as in Arab-Muslim nations currently under this strict Islamic legal system like Saudi Arabia, Europe may see amputations – as prescribed in the Quran – as punishment for certain crimes; women publicly flogged and sometimes hanged or stoned to death for adultery or other so-called "crimes against chastity"; and death sentences for leaving the Muslim religion, or even for preaching Christianity, as occurs in Pakistan under its notorious "blasphemy laws."
What about America? Though the percentage of Muslims in this huge nation is much lower than in Europe, the growth of radical Islam already has a powerful foothold in many parts of American society. Beyond the rapid proliferation of Saudi-funded mosques, Islamic centers and schools teaching hatred for America, consider the nation's prison system.
"Radical Muslim chaplains, trained in a foreign ideology, certified in foreign-financed schools, and acting in coordination to impose an extremist agenda have gained a monopoly over Islamic religious activities in American state, federal, and city prisons and jails," says author Stephen Schwartz. "Imagine each prison Islamic community as a little Saudi kingdom behind prison walls, without the amenities. They have effectively induced American authorities to establish a form of 'state Islam' or 'government-certified Islam' in correctional systems."
Despite all this, most politicians and journalists in the West – whether out of sympathy, or out of fear of having their throats cut – are afraid to criticize Islam publicly. Yet if radical Islam can succeed in throttling all criticism, from the pope on down, it will have succeeded in imposing de facto sharia law– which prohibits all criticism of Islam or its prophet – on the entire world.
Source: October issue of WND's monthly magazine, Whistleblower
Yet, there's an even bigger Islamic threat than violent jihad. Today, the West is being transformed by Islam. Especially in Britain and Europe, where Islamic immigration is already well advanced, analysts conclude it's simply a matter of time before some of these nations have Muslim majorities. Then comes Sharia law and the total transformation of these formerly Christian countries into repressive Islamic states.
Exaggeration? Consider that the Netherlands' justice minister, Piet Hein Donner, recently announced he would welcome Sharia law to his European nation – already rapidly filling up with Muslims – if the majority votes for it. Under Sharia, just as in Arab-Muslim nations currently under this strict Islamic legal system like Saudi Arabia, Europe may see amputations – as prescribed in the Quran – as punishment for certain crimes; women publicly flogged and sometimes hanged or stoned to death for adultery or other so-called "crimes against chastity"; and death sentences for leaving the Muslim religion, or even for preaching Christianity, as occurs in Pakistan under its notorious "blasphemy laws."
What about America? Though the percentage of Muslims in this huge nation is much lower than in Europe, the growth of radical Islam already has a powerful foothold in many parts of American society. Beyond the rapid proliferation of Saudi-funded mosques, Islamic centers and schools teaching hatred for America, consider the nation's prison system.
"Radical Muslim chaplains, trained in a foreign ideology, certified in foreign-financed schools, and acting in coordination to impose an extremist agenda have gained a monopoly over Islamic religious activities in American state, federal, and city prisons and jails," says author Stephen Schwartz. "Imagine each prison Islamic community as a little Saudi kingdom behind prison walls, without the amenities. They have effectively induced American authorities to establish a form of 'state Islam' or 'government-certified Islam' in correctional systems."
Despite all this, most politicians and journalists in the West – whether out of sympathy, or out of fear of having their throats cut – are afraid to criticize Islam publicly. Yet if radical Islam can succeed in throttling all criticism, from the pope on down, it will have succeeded in imposing de facto sharia law– which prohibits all criticism of Islam or its prophet – on the entire world.
Source: October issue of WND's monthly magazine, Whistleblower
More... from the wonderful religion of peace
'Green flag of Allah will fly over Vatican'
Sheik rejects pope's gestures to Muslims, calls for holy war against 'this little racist'
[Comments: and you still think Islam is a religion of peace? Go read the Koran for yourself... you'll be amazed. -G ]
Click HERE for the FULL story
Sheik rejects pope's gestures to Muslims, calls for holy war against 'this little racist'
[Comments: and you still think Islam is a religion of peace? Go read the Koran for yourself... you'll be amazed. -G ]
Click HERE for the FULL story
Harsh words inspire the unstable.
Answer Chavez
The world is as hot as "the devil."
Friday, September 22, 2006 12:01 a.m. EDT
This is what I was thinking as I walked this week along the siren-filled streets of New York: The temperature of the world is very high.
We have a global warming problem, and maybe it's due to an increase in the output of heated words. And they too can, in the end, melt icecaps.
"The Pope must die." "The Holocaust is a lie." "I can still smell the sulfur."
The last of course from the democratically elected president of the republic of Venezuela, population 26 million, which helps keep America going economically by selling it, at significant profit, oil.
His remarks were startling. No one wants to dignify them with a response. But that's a mistake. Because the world heard them.
U.N. speeches are, by history and tradition, boring. You daydream to them. This is not all accident, not only the result of the fact that a nation's diplomats don't usually come from the more scintillating parts of its elites. (They rose to the U.N. in the first place because they didn't fatally offend anyone back home.) Their speeches are dull because they know divisions can be dodged or blunted by a heartening vagueness. And so their words are blankets, not bullets; meant to envelop, not pierce.
But here was Hugo Chavez Wednesday to the General Assembly:
The "pretensions" of "the American empire" threaten "the survival" of mankind. The world must "halt this threat." The American president talks "as if he owned the world" and leads a "world dictatorship" that must not be allowed to "be consolidated." Bush will spend "the rest of [his] days as a nightmare." The U.S. government is "imperialist, fascist, assassin, genocidal," a "hypocritical" empire that only pretends to mourn the deaths of innocents. But not only the Mideast will rise. "People of the South," "oppressed" by America, must "strengthen ourselves, our will to do battle."
That's not vague. It's a call to arms.
The administration quickly moved to dismiss it: More bilge from the buffoon, more opera bouffe. We won't comment or dignify.
The right doesn't want to take him seriously (we don't need more problems), and the left doesn't want to see him clearly (we gave birth to that?). But Chavez's speech achieved a great deal, and it is foolish to pretend otherwise.
He raised his own standing. He got the world to look at him. He emerged in the speech as heir to the dying Fidel Castro, who he was careful to note is still alive and kicking. Chavez doesn't want to be the current Fidel, the old man in soft fatigues, but the Fidel of 1960, who when he went to the U.N. pointedly camped in a hotel in Harlem, and electrified the masses. Chavez even followed his speech with the announcement he was giving heating oil to the needy of the Bronx. You know what they said in the Bronx? Thanks! It went over big on local TV.
He broke through the clutter. Everyone this weekend will be discussing what he said--exactly what he said, and how he said it.
He shook things up. His speech was, essentially if implicitly, a call to resistance, by any means, to the government of the United States.
He broadened his claimed base. Chavez made the argument that it is not America versus Saddam or America versus terrorists but the American Empire versus all the yearning people of the world. He claimed as his constituency everyone unhappy with the unipolar world.
He acknowledged a particular reality by putting distance between the current administration and the American people. This is not so much new as shrewd, and telling. It is an unacknowledged fact known to every diplomat in the world that the people of the world like Americans. Old Europe and new, Africa, people on the ground all over, have some acquaintance with the particular American character of openness and generosity. We turn our faith, and guilt at good fortune, into do-gooding. We send money, bring bandages and overtip. The world has met us. (This by the way is our biggest foreign-policy strength.) Those who attack America are forced to speak highly of Americans, and Chavez did, which allows him to reach potential new allies here. People don't mind being told they are very fine but their government is very wicked. He gave new cover to critics of America. Jacques Chirac to Condoleezza Rice the next time he throws a snare: "You think I'm bad? Chavez would kill you!"
America has seen this before, seen Krushchev bang his shoe on the table and say "We will bury you." We grew up watching our flag being burned on TV. So it's tempting to think this is part of a meaningless continuum.
But the temperature of the world is very high, and maybe we're not stuck in a continuum but barreling down a dark corridor. The problem with heated words now is that it's not the old world anymore. In the old world, incompetent governments dragged cannons through the mud to set up a ragged front. Now every nut and nation wants, has or is trying to develop nukes.
Harsh words inspire the unstable.
Coolants are needed. Here is an idea. Don't try to ignore Chavez, answer him. With the humility that comes with deep confidence, with facts, and with some humor, too.
There is an opportunity for the Democratic Party. Some Democrats responded with spirited indignation the day after Chavez spoke. It was rousing. But Chavez's charges were grave, and he claimed America's abuses could be tracked back a century. If the Democrats seek to speak for America, why not start with a serious and textured response, one that isn't a political blast-back but a high-minded putting forward of facts? This would take guts, and farsightedness. Rebutting a wild-eyed man who says you can find redemption reading Noam Chomsky is a little too much like rebutting a part of your base.
As for the administration, it is so in the habit of asserting, defending and repeating, it barely remembers how to persuade and appeal. It speaks starkly and carries a big stick. It feels so beleaguered on a daily basis, and so snakebit, that even its mildest players have taken refuge in gritting their teeth and tunneling on. They take comfort in this: They think Chavez helps them. See what we're up against? But that's not a response, it's a way not to respond. It doesn't help, because it doesn't even try to cool things down. Which is no good, because the temperature of the world is very high.
Ms. Noonan is a contributing editor of The Wall Street Journal and author of "John Paul the Great: Remembering a Spiritual Father," (Penguin, 2005), which you can order from the OpinionJournal bookstore. Her column appears Fridays on
Answer Chavez
The world is as hot as "the devil."
Friday, September 22, 2006 12:01 a.m. EDT
This is what I was thinking as I walked this week along the siren-filled streets of New York: The temperature of the world is very high.
We have a global warming problem, and maybe it's due to an increase in the output of heated words. And they too can, in the end, melt icecaps.
"The Pope must die." "The Holocaust is a lie." "I can still smell the sulfur."
The last of course from the democratically elected president of the republic of Venezuela, population 26 million, which helps keep America going economically by selling it, at significant profit, oil.
His remarks were startling. No one wants to dignify them with a response. But that's a mistake. Because the world heard them.
U.N. speeches are, by history and tradition, boring. You daydream to them. This is not all accident, not only the result of the fact that a nation's diplomats don't usually come from the more scintillating parts of its elites. (They rose to the U.N. in the first place because they didn't fatally offend anyone back home.) Their speeches are dull because they know divisions can be dodged or blunted by a heartening vagueness. And so their words are blankets, not bullets; meant to envelop, not pierce.
But here was Hugo Chavez Wednesday to the General Assembly:
The "pretensions" of "the American empire" threaten "the survival" of mankind. The world must "halt this threat." The American president talks "as if he owned the world" and leads a "world dictatorship" that must not be allowed to "be consolidated." Bush will spend "the rest of [his] days as a nightmare." The U.S. government is "imperialist, fascist, assassin, genocidal," a "hypocritical" empire that only pretends to mourn the deaths of innocents. But not only the Mideast will rise. "People of the South," "oppressed" by America, must "strengthen ourselves, our will to do battle."
That's not vague. It's a call to arms.
The administration quickly moved to dismiss it: More bilge from the buffoon, more opera bouffe. We won't comment or dignify.
The right doesn't want to take him seriously (we don't need more problems), and the left doesn't want to see him clearly (we gave birth to that?). But Chavez's speech achieved a great deal, and it is foolish to pretend otherwise.
He raised his own standing. He got the world to look at him. He emerged in the speech as heir to the dying Fidel Castro, who he was careful to note is still alive and kicking. Chavez doesn't want to be the current Fidel, the old man in soft fatigues, but the Fidel of 1960, who when he went to the U.N. pointedly camped in a hotel in Harlem, and electrified the masses. Chavez even followed his speech with the announcement he was giving heating oil to the needy of the Bronx. You know what they said in the Bronx? Thanks! It went over big on local TV.
He broke through the clutter. Everyone this weekend will be discussing what he said--exactly what he said, and how he said it.
He shook things up. His speech was, essentially if implicitly, a call to resistance, by any means, to the government of the United States.
He broadened his claimed base. Chavez made the argument that it is not America versus Saddam or America versus terrorists but the American Empire versus all the yearning people of the world. He claimed as his constituency everyone unhappy with the unipolar world.
He acknowledged a particular reality by putting distance between the current administration and the American people. This is not so much new as shrewd, and telling. It is an unacknowledged fact known to every diplomat in the world that the people of the world like Americans. Old Europe and new, Africa, people on the ground all over, have some acquaintance with the particular American character of openness and generosity. We turn our faith, and guilt at good fortune, into do-gooding. We send money, bring bandages and overtip. The world has met us. (This by the way is our biggest foreign-policy strength.) Those who attack America are forced to speak highly of Americans, and Chavez did, which allows him to reach potential new allies here. People don't mind being told they are very fine but their government is very wicked. He gave new cover to critics of America. Jacques Chirac to Condoleezza Rice the next time he throws a snare: "You think I'm bad? Chavez would kill you!"
America has seen this before, seen Krushchev bang his shoe on the table and say "We will bury you." We grew up watching our flag being burned on TV. So it's tempting to think this is part of a meaningless continuum.
But the temperature of the world is very high, and maybe we're not stuck in a continuum but barreling down a dark corridor. The problem with heated words now is that it's not the old world anymore. In the old world, incompetent governments dragged cannons through the mud to set up a ragged front. Now every nut and nation wants, has or is trying to develop nukes.
Harsh words inspire the unstable.
Coolants are needed. Here is an idea. Don't try to ignore Chavez, answer him. With the humility that comes with deep confidence, with facts, and with some humor, too.
There is an opportunity for the Democratic Party. Some Democrats responded with spirited indignation the day after Chavez spoke. It was rousing. But Chavez's charges were grave, and he claimed America's abuses could be tracked back a century. If the Democrats seek to speak for America, why not start with a serious and textured response, one that isn't a political blast-back but a high-minded putting forward of facts? This would take guts, and farsightedness. Rebutting a wild-eyed man who says you can find redemption reading Noam Chomsky is a little too much like rebutting a part of your base.
As for the administration, it is so in the habit of asserting, defending and repeating, it barely remembers how to persuade and appeal. It speaks starkly and carries a big stick. It feels so beleaguered on a daily basis, and so snakebit, that even its mildest players have taken refuge in gritting their teeth and tunneling on. They take comfort in this: They think Chavez helps them. See what we're up against? But that's not a response, it's a way not to respond. It doesn't help, because it doesn't even try to cool things down. Which is no good, because the temperature of the world is very high.
Ms. Noonan is a contributing editor of The Wall Street Journal and author of "John Paul the Great: Remembering a Spiritual Father," (Penguin, 2005), which you can order from the OpinionJournal bookstore. Her column appears Fridays on
Thursday, September 21, 2006
From "Rage and Pride" -- by the late Oriana Fallaci
"In this world there is room for everybody, I say. In one’s own home, everyone is free to do what they please. If in some countries the women are so stupid to accept the chador, or the veil where they have to look through a thick net at eye level, worse for them. If they are so idiotic to accept not going to school, not going to the doctor, not letting themselves be photographed etcetera, well worse for them. If they are so foolish as to marry a prick that wants four wives, too bad for them. If their men are so silly as to not drink beer, wine, ditto. I am not going to be the one to stop them. Far from it! I have been educated in the concept of liberty, and my mother used to say: “the world is beautiful because it is varied”. But, if they demand to impose these things on me, in my house… and they do demand it. Osama Bin Laden affirms that the entire planet Earth must become Muslim, that we must convert to Islam, that either by convincing us or threatening us, he will convert us, and for that goal he massacres us and will continue to massacre us. This cannot please us. It has to give us a great desire to reverse roles and kill him. However, this will not resolve itself, it will not be exhausted with the death of Osama Bin Laden. This is because the Osama Bin Ladens number in the tens of thousands now and they are not confined to the Arabic countries. They are everywhere, and the most militant are in the West. In our cities, our streets, our universities, in the nerve centers of our technology. That technology that any obtuse can manage. The Crusade has been underway for a while. It works like a Swiss watch, sustained by a faith and a malice which compares only to the malice of Torquemada when he led the Inquisition. In fact it is impossible to deal with them. To reason with them, unthinkable. To treat them with indulgence or tolerance or hope, is suicide. Anyone who believes the contrary, is deluding himself"
"In this world there is room for everybody, I say. In one’s own home, everyone is free to do what they please. If in some countries the women are so stupid to accept the chador, or the veil where they have to look through a thick net at eye level, worse for them. If they are so idiotic to accept not going to school, not going to the doctor, not letting themselves be photographed etcetera, well worse for them. If they are so foolish as to marry a prick that wants four wives, too bad for them. If their men are so silly as to not drink beer, wine, ditto. I am not going to be the one to stop them. Far from it! I have been educated in the concept of liberty, and my mother used to say: “the world is beautiful because it is varied”. But, if they demand to impose these things on me, in my house… and they do demand it. Osama Bin Laden affirms that the entire planet Earth must become Muslim, that we must convert to Islam, that either by convincing us or threatening us, he will convert us, and for that goal he massacres us and will continue to massacre us. This cannot please us. It has to give us a great desire to reverse roles and kill him. However, this will not resolve itself, it will not be exhausted with the death of Osama Bin Laden. This is because the Osama Bin Ladens number in the tens of thousands now and they are not confined to the Arabic countries. They are everywhere, and the most militant are in the West. In our cities, our streets, our universities, in the nerve centers of our technology. That technology that any obtuse can manage. The Crusade has been underway for a while. It works like a Swiss watch, sustained by a faith and a malice which compares only to the malice of Torquemada when he led the Inquisition. In fact it is impossible to deal with them. To reason with them, unthinkable. To treat them with indulgence or tolerance or hope, is suicide. Anyone who believes the contrary, is deluding himself"
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
It it walks, talks, and looks like a duck... - As the Vatican continues trying to placate Muslims angered by Pope Benedict XVI's recent remarks, a senior Catholic leader has said the violent response justified the concern the pope had been expressing in the first place.
Citing threats of violence against the pope in Somalia and Iraq, Archbishop of Sydney Cardinal George Pell said "the violent reactions ... showed the link for many Islamists between religion and violence, their refusal to respond to criticism with rational arguments, but only with demonstrations, threats and actual violence."
Click HERE for FULL Story
Citing threats of violence against the pope in Somalia and Iraq, Archbishop of Sydney Cardinal George Pell said "the violent reactions ... showed the link for many Islamists between religion and violence, their refusal to respond to criticism with rational arguments, but only with demonstrations, threats and actual violence."
Click HERE for FULL Story
ABC Slides Up to Islam - Calls Pope a Dog
In an ABC News story by its Rome correspondent Martin Seemungal, Pope Benedict XVI was compared to an attack dog -- the Rottweiler -- during Seemungal's extraordinarily biased coverage of the Muslim uprising over the Pontiff's recent comments. At first reading, I had to remind myself I wasn't on the Al-Jazeera News website.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Friday, September 08, 2006
9/11 Film is Correct Despite Threats from Democrats
Clinton aide says 9/11 film 'correct'
By Art Moore
© 2006
A former military aide to President Clinton who claims he witnessed several missed opportunities to capture or kill Osama bin Laden says the producer of the ABC mini-series "The Path to 9/11" came to him in frustration after network executives under a heavy barrage of criticism from former administration officials began pressing for changes to the script.
In an interview with WorldNetDaily, retired Air Force Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson said producer and writer Cyrus Nowrasteh called him the morning of Sept. 1, explaining he had used Patterson's book "Dereliction of Duty" as a source for the drama.
Later that day, Nowrasteh brought a preview copy of "The Path to 9/11" to Patterson for him to view at home. Patterson, who says he has talked with the director seven or eight times since then, also received a phone call from an ABC senior vice president, Quinn Taylor.
Patterson told WND he recognizes the television production conflates several events, but, in terms of conveying how the Clinton administration handled its opportunities to get bin Laden, it's "100 percent factually correct," he said.
"I was there with Clinton and (National Security Adviser Sandy) Berger and watched the missed opportunities occur," Patterson declared.
The five-hour drama is scheduled to air in two parts, Sunday night and Monday night, Sept. 11.
As a military aide to President Clinton from 1996 to 1998, Patterson and was one of five men entrusted with carrying the "nuclear football," which contains the codes for launching nuclear weapons.
Reached by phone at his home in Southern California, Nowrasteh affirmed to WND he consulted with Patterson and gave him a preview of the drama.
During the interview this morning, Nowrasteh took a moment to watch as President Clinton's image turned up on his nearby TV screen to criticize the movie. The director did not want to respond directly to Clinton's comments, but offered a general response to critics.
"Everybody's got to calm down and watch the movie," Nowrasteh told WND. "This is not an indictment of one president or another. The villains are the terrorists. This is clarion bell for people to wake up and take notice."
Patterson pointed out the Bush administration also is depicted in an unfavorable light in the months before 9/11.
By Art Moore
© 2006
A former military aide to President Clinton who claims he witnessed several missed opportunities to capture or kill Osama bin Laden says the producer of the ABC mini-series "The Path to 9/11" came to him in frustration after network executives under a heavy barrage of criticism from former administration officials began pressing for changes to the script.
In an interview with WorldNetDaily, retired Air Force Lt. Col. Robert "Buzz" Patterson said producer and writer Cyrus Nowrasteh called him the morning of Sept. 1, explaining he had used Patterson's book "Dereliction of Duty" as a source for the drama.
Later that day, Nowrasteh brought a preview copy of "The Path to 9/11" to Patterson for him to view at home. Patterson, who says he has talked with the director seven or eight times since then, also received a phone call from an ABC senior vice president, Quinn Taylor.
Patterson told WND he recognizes the television production conflates several events, but, in terms of conveying how the Clinton administration handled its opportunities to get bin Laden, it's "100 percent factually correct," he said.
"I was there with Clinton and (National Security Adviser Sandy) Berger and watched the missed opportunities occur," Patterson declared.
The five-hour drama is scheduled to air in two parts, Sunday night and Monday night, Sept. 11.
As a military aide to President Clinton from 1996 to 1998, Patterson and was one of five men entrusted with carrying the "nuclear football," which contains the codes for launching nuclear weapons.
Reached by phone at his home in Southern California, Nowrasteh affirmed to WND he consulted with Patterson and gave him a preview of the drama.
During the interview this morning, Nowrasteh took a moment to watch as President Clinton's image turned up on his nearby TV screen to criticize the movie. The director did not want to respond directly to Clinton's comments, but offered a general response to critics.
"Everybody's got to calm down and watch the movie," Nowrasteh told WND. "This is not an indictment of one president or another. The villains are the terrorists. This is clarion bell for people to wake up and take notice."
Patterson pointed out the Bush administration also is depicted in an unfavorable light in the months before 9/11.
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
The Fracturing Of America
Mexican flag flies at U.S. post office
Backers of illegal immigration [something that is against the law] at a rally near Los Angeles took down an American flag at a U.S. post office, stamped on it [showing their love of America] and replaced it with a Mexican flag as police looked on, according to witnesses and a video of the event.
Click HERE for the FULL story
Backers of illegal immigration [something that is against the law] at a rally near Los Angeles took down an American flag at a U.S. post office, stamped on it [showing their love of America] and replaced it with a Mexican flag as police looked on, according to witnesses and a video of the event.
Click HERE for the FULL story
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
No News is Good News
Headline News: A woman in China has wrecked her car while trying to teach her dog to drive. This was news item #2 of the news headlines on FOX News TV this morning; 29 AUG 06.
I ask really? With ALL that is going on in the world, and our own country (US)... this is the #2 news item? Well, as they say in the movies: "Be afraid... be very afraid!"
I ask really? With ALL that is going on in the world, and our own country (US)... this is the #2 news item? Well, as they say in the movies: "Be afraid... be very afraid!"
Gathering nuclear storm
Just days before the United Nations Security Council deadline for Iran to cease and desist enriching uranium, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad gave the West the Iranian bird.
Click HERE for the FULL story
Click HERE for the FULL story
Monday, August 28, 2006
Experts warn U.S. is coming apart at the seams
The American Society of Civil Engineers last year graded the nation "D" for its overall infrastructure conditions, estimating that it would take $1.6 trillion over five years to fix the problem.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
bin Laden given permission to use Nukes
Michael Scheuer, who once headed the CIA's bin Laden unit, says bin Laden has been given permission by a young cleric in Saudi Arabia authorizing al Qaeda to "use nuclear weapons against the United States ... capping the casualties at 10 million."
"He's had an approval, a religious approval for 10 million deaths?" I asked him.
"Yes," Scheuer responded.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Other Sources:
"He's had an approval, a religious approval for 10 million deaths?" I asked him.
"Yes," Scheuer responded.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Other Sources:
Monday, August 21, 2006
Friday, August 18, 2006
Why we are going to become a Muslim country
The Department of Homeland Security took a Muslim group with known past ties to terror organizations on a VIP tour of security operations at the nation's busiest airport at the same time British authorities were working to break up a plot to blow up U.S. airlines.
On June 21, a senior DHS official from Washington personally guided Muslim officials from the Council on American-Islamic Relations on a behind-the-scenes tour of Customs screening operations at O'Hare International Airport in response to CAIR complaints that Muslim travelers were being unfairly delayed as they entered the U.S. from abroad.
CAIR is a spin-off of the Islamic Association for Palestine, identified by two former FBI counterterrorism chiefs as a "front group" for the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. Several CAIR leaders have been convicted on terror-related charges.
Click HERE for the complete story
On June 21, a senior DHS official from Washington personally guided Muslim officials from the Council on American-Islamic Relations on a behind-the-scenes tour of Customs screening operations at O'Hare International Airport in response to CAIR complaints that Muslim travelers were being unfairly delayed as they entered the U.S. from abroad.
CAIR is a spin-off of the Islamic Association for Palestine, identified by two former FBI counterterrorism chiefs as a "front group" for the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas. Several CAIR leaders have been convicted on terror-related charges.
Click HERE for the complete story
Thursday, August 17, 2006
We will lose the war on terror...
"When I read that police are arresting Islamic terrorists for plotting to blow up airliners full of innocent people, I know that the war on terror is nearly over. The vermin that began World War II were not arrested by police, read their Miranda rights, and then assigned an ACLU attorney and a court date in the nation's criminal justice system. They were held in prisoner of war camps and tried under what international law the Allies saw fit to grant for "crimes against the peace of the world."
-- Craige McMillan
Click HERE for the FULL Story
-- Craige McMillan
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Iranian general: We will soon carry out large military exercise
The serving Iranian General Commander of the Iranian Army, General Muhamad-Reza Ashtiani said, "In the coming days Iran will initiate a large military exercise." This was reported the Iranian news agency Mehr.
In a press conference the general announced that 12 divisions of the land forces will participate in the exercise and that it also include joint exercise of the land, sea, and air forces. During the exercise, that Iranian army will test new weapons and ammunition. (Dudi Cohen)
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Makes you wonder about that August 22 warning huh?
In a press conference the general announced that 12 divisions of the land forces will participate in the exercise and that it also include joint exercise of the land, sea, and air forces. During the exercise, that Iranian army will test new weapons and ammunition. (Dudi Cohen)
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Makes you wonder about that August 22 warning huh?
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Tennessee Roads Being Watched
Three cheers for Tennessee - they understand the situation!!
- G
THP, DHS Conduct Anti-Terror Searches on Interstate
Knoxville (WVLT) - The Tennessee Highway Patrol says more trucks travel on Tennessee interstates than any other state in the southeast and only five more states in the nation. Troopers are working everyday to make sure your roadways are safe. Volunteer TV's Gary Loe finds out they're not just looking for tired drivers and faulty brakes anymore. Dirty bombs, nuclear weapons, those are real concerns for police right here on our interstates. And today authorities staged a surprise checkpoint to make sure no one is transporting anything like that through East Tennessee.
"We're looking for anything out of the ordinary," says Sgt. John Harmon, from the THP. From police dogs, to high-tech government sensors, to comprehensive searches...this wasn't your ordinary, everyday truck stop. Sure, police were checking drivers, their log books and their truck's brakes along I-40 near watt road, but if your big rig contained a hazardous materials placard, authorities were taking a closer look. Opening up every overseas container, hazardous materials load and box truck headed into Knoxville. Their goal, to deter terror attacks. "We're breaking the seal and physically looking into that container, straight truck, or rental truck, to see what it's hauling, to see if it has anything coming from overseas that doesn't show up on the shipping papers," says Sgt. Harmon.
Since 9/11 security in the air has gotten tighter, and so has security on the roadways, where millions more Americans travel each week and where the THP says only about 5 percent of overseas containers are being checked. "If the person out here traveling has evil intent, what better way to transport it than by tractor trailer or container," says Dwayne Collins from the Tennessee Department of Homeland Security. Folks from Oak Ridge National Labs were there as well, maintaining the sensors that search for radioactive materials, looking for anything out of the ordinary.
Police were also watching nearby exits making sure no truckers tried to skip the checkpoint. And if they did, they were in hot pursuit.
After about eight hours of searching, some good news, troopers say no threats to our security were found today. But THP can't see every trucker, they need your help to keep an eye on the roads too. Find out how you can do that in your community by logging onto And if you think you've seen something suspicious, there's also information there that can tell you how to report it. The more eyes the better and the safer our roadways will be.
Click HERE for the FULL story
- G
THP, DHS Conduct Anti-Terror Searches on Interstate
Knoxville (WVLT) - The Tennessee Highway Patrol says more trucks travel on Tennessee interstates than any other state in the southeast and only five more states in the nation. Troopers are working everyday to make sure your roadways are safe. Volunteer TV's Gary Loe finds out they're not just looking for tired drivers and faulty brakes anymore. Dirty bombs, nuclear weapons, those are real concerns for police right here on our interstates. And today authorities staged a surprise checkpoint to make sure no one is transporting anything like that through East Tennessee.
"We're looking for anything out of the ordinary," says Sgt. John Harmon, from the THP. From police dogs, to high-tech government sensors, to comprehensive searches...this wasn't your ordinary, everyday truck stop. Sure, police were checking drivers, their log books and their truck's brakes along I-40 near watt road, but if your big rig contained a hazardous materials placard, authorities were taking a closer look. Opening up every overseas container, hazardous materials load and box truck headed into Knoxville. Their goal, to deter terror attacks. "We're breaking the seal and physically looking into that container, straight truck, or rental truck, to see what it's hauling, to see if it has anything coming from overseas that doesn't show up on the shipping papers," says Sgt. Harmon.
Since 9/11 security in the air has gotten tighter, and so has security on the roadways, where millions more Americans travel each week and where the THP says only about 5 percent of overseas containers are being checked. "If the person out here traveling has evil intent, what better way to transport it than by tractor trailer or container," says Dwayne Collins from the Tennessee Department of Homeland Security. Folks from Oak Ridge National Labs were there as well, maintaining the sensors that search for radioactive materials, looking for anything out of the ordinary.
Police were also watching nearby exits making sure no truckers tried to skip the checkpoint. And if they did, they were in hot pursuit.
After about eight hours of searching, some good news, troopers say no threats to our security were found today. But THP can't see every trucker, they need your help to keep an eye on the roads too. Find out how you can do that in your community by logging onto And if you think you've seen something suspicious, there's also information there that can tell you how to report it. The more eyes the better and the safer our roadways will be.
Click HERE for the FULL story
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Al Gore - Environmental Liar
Al Gore has spoken: The world must embrace a "carbon-neutral lifestyle." To do otherwise, he says, will result in a cataclysmic catastrophe. "Humanity is sitting on a ticking time bomb," warns the website for his film, An Inconvenient Truth. "We have just 10 years to avert a major catastrophe that could send our entire planet into a tailspin."
Graciously, Gore tells consumers how to change their lives to curb their carbon-gobbling ways: Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs, use a clothesline, drive a hybrid, use renewable energy, dramatically cut back on consumption. Better still, responsible global citizens can follow Gore's example, because, as he readily points out in his speeches, he lives a "carbon-neutral lifestyle." But if Al Gore is the world's role model for ecology, the planet is doomed.
For someone who says the sky is falling, he does very little. He says he recycles and drives a hybrid. And he claims he uses renewable energy credits to offset the pollution he produces when using a private jet to promote his film. (In reality, Paramount Classics, the film's distributor, pays this.)
Public records reveal that as Gore lectures Americans on excessive consumption, he and his wife Tipper live in two properties: a 10,000-square-foot, 20-room, eight-bathroom home in Nashville, and a 4,000-square-foot home in Arlington, Va. (He also has a third home in Carthage, Tenn.) For someone rallying the planet to pursue a path of extreme personal sacrifice, Gore requires little from himself.
Then there is the troubling matter of his energy use. In the Washington, D.C., area, utility companies offer wind energy as an alternative to traditional energy. In Nashville, similar programs exist. Utility customers must simply pay a few extra pennies per kilowatt hour, and they can continue living their carbon-neutral lifestyles knowing that they are supporting wind energy. Plenty of businesses and institutions have signed up. Even the Bush administration is using green energy for some federal office buildings, as are thousands of area residents.
But according to public records, there is no evidence that Gore has signed up to use green energy in either of his large residences. When contacted Wednesday, Gore's office confirmed as much but said the Gores were looking into making the switch at both homes. Talk about inconvenient truths.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Graciously, Gore tells consumers how to change their lives to curb their carbon-gobbling ways: Switch to compact fluorescent light bulbs, use a clothesline, drive a hybrid, use renewable energy, dramatically cut back on consumption. Better still, responsible global citizens can follow Gore's example, because, as he readily points out in his speeches, he lives a "carbon-neutral lifestyle." But if Al Gore is the world's role model for ecology, the planet is doomed.
For someone who says the sky is falling, he does very little. He says he recycles and drives a hybrid. And he claims he uses renewable energy credits to offset the pollution he produces when using a private jet to promote his film. (In reality, Paramount Classics, the film's distributor, pays this.)
Public records reveal that as Gore lectures Americans on excessive consumption, he and his wife Tipper live in two properties: a 10,000-square-foot, 20-room, eight-bathroom home in Nashville, and a 4,000-square-foot home in Arlington, Va. (He also has a third home in Carthage, Tenn.) For someone rallying the planet to pursue a path of extreme personal sacrifice, Gore requires little from himself.
Then there is the troubling matter of his energy use. In the Washington, D.C., area, utility companies offer wind energy as an alternative to traditional energy. In Nashville, similar programs exist. Utility customers must simply pay a few extra pennies per kilowatt hour, and they can continue living their carbon-neutral lifestyles knowing that they are supporting wind energy. Plenty of businesses and institutions have signed up. Even the Bush administration is using green energy for some federal office buildings, as are thousands of area residents.
But according to public records, there is no evidence that Gore has signed up to use green energy in either of his large residences. When contacted Wednesday, Gore's office confirmed as much but said the Gores were looking into making the switch at both homes. Talk about inconvenient truths.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
Wednesday, August 09, 2006
This is where all that money you spend on gas goes!

The biggest building site on earth
Those looking for tranquil, unspoilt beaches, rustic charm and authentic maritime culture will probably choose to look elsewhere. But for the world's permatanned classes with bling to display and money to burn this extraordinary construction project in the Persian Gulf is an irresistible draw.
Click HERE for the Full Article
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
WSJ: Scholar Warns Iran's Ahmadinejad May Have 'Cataclysmic Events' In Mind For August 22
WSJ: Scholar Warns Iran's Ahmadinejad May Have 'Cataclysmic Events' In Mind For August 22
Tue Aug 08 2006 10:22:35 ET
In a WALL STREET JOURNAL op-ed Tuesday, Princeton's Bernard Lewis writes: "There is a radical difference between the Islamic Republic of Iran and other governments with nuclear weapons. This difference is expressed in what can only be described as the apocalyptic worldview of Iran's present rulers."
"In Islam as in Judaism and Christianity, there are certain beliefs concerning the cosmic struggle at the end of time -- Gog and Magog, anti-Christ, Armageddon, and for Shiite Muslims, the long awaited return of the Hidden Imam, ending in the final victory of the forces of good over evil, however these may be defined."
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "and his followers clearly believe that this time is now, and that the terminal struggle has already begun and is indeed well advanced. It may even have a date, indicated by several references by the Iranian president to giving his final answer to the US about nuclear development by Aug. 22," which this year corresponds "to the 27th day of the month of Rajab of the year 1427. This, by tradition, is the night when many Muslims commemorate the night flight of the prophet Muhammad on the winged horse Buraq, first to 'the farthest mosque,' usually identified with Jerusalem, and then to heaven and back (c.f., Koran XVII.1).
"This might well be deemed an appropriate date for the apocalyptic ending of Israel and if necessary of the world. It is far from certain that Mr. Ahmadinejad plans any such cataclysmic events precisely for Aug. 22. But it would be wise to bear the possibility in mind."
Tue Aug 08 2006 10:22:35 ET
In a WALL STREET JOURNAL op-ed Tuesday, Princeton's Bernard Lewis writes: "There is a radical difference between the Islamic Republic of Iran and other governments with nuclear weapons. This difference is expressed in what can only be described as the apocalyptic worldview of Iran's present rulers."
"In Islam as in Judaism and Christianity, there are certain beliefs concerning the cosmic struggle at the end of time -- Gog and Magog, anti-Christ, Armageddon, and for Shiite Muslims, the long awaited return of the Hidden Imam, ending in the final victory of the forces of good over evil, however these may be defined."
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "and his followers clearly believe that this time is now, and that the terminal struggle has already begun and is indeed well advanced. It may even have a date, indicated by several references by the Iranian president to giving his final answer to the US about nuclear development by Aug. 22," which this year corresponds "to the 27th day of the month of Rajab of the year 1427. This, by tradition, is the night when many Muslims commemorate the night flight of the prophet Muhammad on the winged horse Buraq, first to 'the farthest mosque,' usually identified with Jerusalem, and then to heaven and back (c.f., Koran XVII.1).
"This might well be deemed an appropriate date for the apocalyptic ending of Israel and if necessary of the world. It is far from certain that Mr. Ahmadinejad plans any such cataclysmic events precisely for Aug. 22. But it would be wise to bear the possibility in mind."
Monday, August 07, 2006
Reuters conceded that a second image it provided had been manipulated, and released a statement saying it had recalled all photos
Reuters admits to more image manipulation
Reuters has withdrawn a second photograph and admitted that the image was doctored, following the emergence of new suspicions against images provided by the news organization. On Sunday, Reuters admitted that one of its photographers, Adnan Hajj, used software to distort an image of smoke billowing from buildings in Beirut in order to create the effect of more smoke and damage.
Click HERE for full story
Reuters has withdrawn a second photograph and admitted that the image was doctored, following the emergence of new suspicions against images provided by the news organization. On Sunday, Reuters admitted that one of its photographers, Adnan Hajj, used software to distort an image of smoke billowing from buildings in Beirut in order to create the effect of more smoke and damage.
Click HERE for full story
Sunday, August 06, 2006
Iran's plot to mine uranium in Africa
IRAN is seeking to import large consignments of bomb-making uranium from the African mining area that produced the Hiroshima bomb, an investigation has revealed.
A United Nations report, dated July 18, said there was “no doubt” that a huge shipment of smuggled uranium 238, uncovered by customs officials in Tanzania, was transported from the Lubumbashi mines in the Congo.
Tanzanian customs officials told The Sunday Times it was destined for the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas, and was stopped on October 22 last year during a routine check.
The disclosure will heighten western fears about the extent of Iran’s presumed nuclear weapons programme and the strategic implications of Iran’s continuing support for Hezbollah during the war with Israel.
Click HERE for the complete story
A United Nations report, dated July 18, said there was “no doubt” that a huge shipment of smuggled uranium 238, uncovered by customs officials in Tanzania, was transported from the Lubumbashi mines in the Congo.
Tanzanian customs officials told The Sunday Times it was destined for the Iranian port of Bandar Abbas, and was stopped on October 22 last year during a routine check.
The disclosure will heighten western fears about the extent of Iran’s presumed nuclear weapons programme and the strategic implications of Iran’s continuing support for Hezbollah during the war with Israel.
Click HERE for the complete story
Reuters News Employee Issues Threat to US
Reuters employee issues 'Zionist pig' death threat to United States
So much for objectivity in news reporting...
A Reuters employee has been suspended after sending a death threat to an American blogger. The message, sent from a Reuters internet account, read: "I look forward to the day when you pigs get your throats cut."
It was sent to Charles Johnson, owner of the Little Green Footballs (LGF) weblog, a popular site which often backs Israel and highlights jihadist terrorist activities. In the threat, the Reuters staff member, who has not been named, left his email address as "zionistpig" at Reporting the message to his readers, Johnson wrote on his website: "This particular death threat is a bit different from the run of the mill hate mail we get around here, because an IP lookup on the sender reveals that he/she/it was using an account at none other than Reuters News." Speaking to Ynetnews, Johnson said: "I was surprised to receive a threat from a Reuters IP, but only because it was so careless of this person to use a traceable work account to do it." He added: "I think it's more than fair to say that Reuters has a big problem."
Click HERE for the complete story
So much for objectivity in news reporting...
A Reuters employee has been suspended after sending a death threat to an American blogger. The message, sent from a Reuters internet account, read: "I look forward to the day when you pigs get your throats cut."
It was sent to Charles Johnson, owner of the Little Green Footballs (LGF) weblog, a popular site which often backs Israel and highlights jihadist terrorist activities. In the threat, the Reuters staff member, who has not been named, left his email address as "zionistpig" at Reporting the message to his readers, Johnson wrote on his website: "This particular death threat is a bit different from the run of the mill hate mail we get around here, because an IP lookup on the sender reveals that he/she/it was using an account at none other than Reuters News." Speaking to Ynetnews, Johnson said: "I was surprised to receive a threat from a Reuters IP, but only because it was so careless of this person to use a traceable work account to do it." He added: "I think it's more than fair to say that Reuters has a big problem."
Click HERE for the complete story
Reuters Creates Fake News - Blatant Manipulation
Reuters admits altering Beirut photo
A Reuters photograph of smoke rising from buildings in Beirut has been withdrawn after coming under attack by American web logs. The blogs accused Reuters of distorting the photograph to include more smoke and damage.
Click HERE for complete story
A Reuters photograph of smoke rising from buildings in Beirut has been withdrawn after coming under attack by American web logs. The blogs accused Reuters of distorting the photograph to include more smoke and damage.
Click HERE for complete story
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Americans being fleeced
Here is an example of an absurd news story... see if you can figure out what is wrong with this 'reported' story and why we're in trouble. Hint: If the rising prices at the pump reflect the rising costs that ExxonMobil are seeing themselves, then their profits will not be going up. However, if ExxonMobil are simply charging more and more without their costs (the cost of crude oil) going up, then their profits should go up. So let's see... which is it?
Surging oil prices helped drive quarterly profits for US energy giant ExxonMobil to 10.36 billion dollars, the latest in a string of mammoth profit reports that have drawn fire for the industry.
The second-quarter profit was up 36 percent from a year ago and approached the company's all-time record profit of 10.71 billion dollars that was believed to be one of the biggest for any company. Stoked by skyrocketing crude-oil prices, ExxonMobil's net profit in the quarter to June came to 1.72 dollars per share. That handily beat Wall Street forecasts for an earnings figure of 1.64 dollars.
Total revenues in the three months rose 11.8 percent from the same quarter of 2005 to 99 billion dollars.
In Congress, Democratic lawmakers said the sky-high profits reflected misplaced policies by the adminstration of George W. Bush.
"Americans are paying near-record gas prices, oil companies are reaping billions in profits, but the response from the Oil Men in the White House and the Republicans in Congress has been billions for Big Oil and a backhand to the American people," Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said Thursday.
Surging oil prices helped drive quarterly profits for US energy giant ExxonMobil to 10.36 billion dollars, the latest in a string of mammoth profit reports that have drawn fire for the industry.
The second-quarter profit was up 36 percent from a year ago and approached the company's all-time record profit of 10.71 billion dollars that was believed to be one of the biggest for any company. Stoked by skyrocketing crude-oil prices, ExxonMobil's net profit in the quarter to June came to 1.72 dollars per share. That handily beat Wall Street forecasts for an earnings figure of 1.64 dollars.
Total revenues in the three months rose 11.8 percent from the same quarter of 2005 to 99 billion dollars.
In Congress, Democratic lawmakers said the sky-high profits reflected misplaced policies by the adminstration of George W. Bush.
"Americans are paying near-record gas prices, oil companies are reaping billions in profits, but the response from the Oil Men in the White House and the Republicans in Congress has been billions for Big Oil and a backhand to the American people," Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid said Thursday.
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
These are remarkable and dangerous times.
Just five years ago, there were no wars in the oil-rich Persian Gulf or the Middle East. Nor were there any wars in nearby regions that could impact them. None.
Now, there are four:
War #1. Afghanistan, heating up dramatically in recent months, with a major resurgence of the Taliban.
War #2. Iraq, sinking rapidly into a full-scale civil war, now claiming at least 100 lives each day.
War #3. Gaza and West Bank, suddenly transformed from a low-level rebellion into an all-out conflict.
War #4. Lebanon, just starting to explode, with shocking new surprises on the near horizon.
Possible War #5. Iran vs. the U.S. or Israel.
Now, there are four:
War #1. Afghanistan, heating up dramatically in recent months, with a major resurgence of the Taliban.
War #2. Iraq, sinking rapidly into a full-scale civil war, now claiming at least 100 lives each day.
War #3. Gaza and West Bank, suddenly transformed from a low-level rebellion into an all-out conflict.
War #4. Lebanon, just starting to explode, with shocking new surprises on the near horizon.
Possible War #5. Iran vs. the U.S. or Israel.
Monday, July 24, 2006
Peace prize winner 'could kill' Bush
How nuts has the world become? Check this: a Nobel Peace Prize Winner wants to kill George Bush... and the children she is saying this to clap and cheer her statements! No, I kid you not! This woman is insane, the Nobel Peace Prize Award has become insane, and you should be afraid.. be very afraid!
Annabelle McDonald
July 25, 2006
NOBEL peace laureate Betty Williams displayed a flash of her feisty Irish spirit yesterday, lashing out at US President George W.Bush during a speech to hundreds of schoolchildren.
Campaigning on the rights of young people at the Earth Dialogues forum, being held in Brisbane, Ms Williams spoke passionately about the deaths of innocent children during wartime, particularly in the Middle East, and lambasted Mr Bush.
"I have a very hard time with this word 'non-violence', because I don't believe that I am non-violent," said Ms Williams, 64.
"Right now, I would love to kill George Bush." Her young audience at the Brisbane City Hall clapped and cheered.
Annabelle McDonald
July 25, 2006
NOBEL peace laureate Betty Williams displayed a flash of her feisty Irish spirit yesterday, lashing out at US President George W.Bush during a speech to hundreds of schoolchildren.
Campaigning on the rights of young people at the Earth Dialogues forum, being held in Brisbane, Ms Williams spoke passionately about the deaths of innocent children during wartime, particularly in the Middle East, and lambasted Mr Bush.
"I have a very hard time with this word 'non-violence', because I don't believe that I am non-violent," said Ms Williams, 64.
"Right now, I would love to kill George Bush." Her young audience at the Brisbane City Hall clapped and cheered.
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Dear Muslims: What Is It That You Don’t Understand?
By: Amil Imani
We, the non-Muslims—the infidels, heathens, unbelievers, apostates, enemies of Allah, najis (soiled), as you prefer to call us—would like to know what is it that you don’t understand and what is it that makes you behave so badly toward us? You blame us for your problems and believe if we embrace Islam and help establish the Islamic Ummeh the earth would be cleansed of us, transformed to paradise, and all your problems disappear?
Respectfully, we disagree. We believe that you and your system of belief are at the core of your problems; that you need to critically examine the facts rather than conveniently blame others for your ills. Keep in mind that beliefs and ideas make people human, that beliefs are roadmaps of life. To the extent that the roadmap is rational and enlightened, the path of life is illumined, pitfalls are avoided and obstacles are removed. The terrain of life has greatly changed since the roadmap of Islam was given to the wondering primitives of Arabian Peninsula.
The twenty first century presents great challenges and opportunities that demand new ways of thinking and behaving. The doctrine of Islam may have been appropriate for the dessert dwellers of some 1400 years ago, the people you yourselves stigmatize as “The Ignorant.” It is dysfunctional today to say the least. As a matter of fact, Islam went astray from the very beginning and inflicted a great deal of suffering on both its followers as well as those who resisted its advance.
Early on, Prophet Muhammad explicitly said, “There is no compulsion in religion.” He further confirmed that admonition, “For you, your religion; and for me, my religion.” Why is it that as soon as you gathered enough power, you violated those exhortations and set out to force your belief and way of life on others at the point of the sword? You further conveniently ignored your own teaching by unsheathing your sword at “the people of the book”—Jews and Christians. You spared them death only if they converted or consented to pay you backbreaking religious taxes of Jazyyeh.
Your cruel successful subjugation of the people of the Arabian Peninsula whetted your appetite for further conquests. You ventured into the civilized world—to Persia, the Levant, Spain, and eventually to the gates of Vienna. Cruelty and terror were your instruments of policy—weapons you liberally use today whenever and wherever you are able.
Contempt and hostility toward non-Muslims living under your rule as well as those outside of your domain have characterized your attitude and behavior throughout the history. Isn’t enough is enough? Is it not now the time to stand back and take a good look at what is the root cause of this pathological state of affairs?
Life is precious. It is to be protected, nurtured and celebrated. Mankind is moving, perhaps at a glacier pace, toward reconciliation, ever-expanding inclusiveness without any group or ideology imposing itself on others. Any attempt against this trend of unity in diversity is doomed to failure, as exemplified by the demise of fascism and communism. Your charter, the Quran, for most parts, preaches discrimination, death and imposition of its dogma on everyone. Islam, just like fascism and communism, is a dysfunctional ideology that needs to be abandoned. Humanity has matured considerably since the time of Muhammad. In order to continue its forward march, mankind must follow a roadmap appropriate for its age and state of development. It is foolish to insist that a book written over 1400 years ago must serve as the one and only guide for humanity.
Progress thrives in a marketplace of free ideas, where beliefs and viewpoints, not people, clash. It is through the unimpeded clash of ideas that the best decisions and actions are reached. Islam is anathema to this invaluable principle. By forcing itself on any and all people it could, Islam violated this vital principle and it aims to continue to do so to this day. Islam’s inflexible and intolerant dogmatism is at the heart of Islamic world’s stagnation and backwardness. It is evident that staying put, so to speak, does not allow going forward. It is not the non-Muslim world, the convenient scapegoat, but Islam itself which is the culprit for your chronic ills.
The non-Muslims of the twenty first century treasure freedom in all its forms and are not going to lend their necks passively to the yoke of blind obedience and imitation.
Is the present argument too difficult to understand? Is it too threatening to the security of your mindset to concede its validity? Please have the courage and take that fateful step. Leave Islam, as many of us “apostates” have done, and inhale the life-nurturing fragrance of freedom. Islam is a slaveholder. It feels that it owns you; it condemns you as apostate to be beheaded if you dare to leave its chains. The non-Muslims, by contrast, respect you as a free human and support your inalienable right to believe whatever you want to believe—even if it is a non-belief. If you still wish to wrap yourself in your suffocating security blanket—Islam—please keep it to yourself and refrain from forcing it on others.
Amil Imani is an Iranian born American citizen and pro-democracy activist who resides in the United States of America. Imani is a poet, writer, literary translator, novelist and an essayist who has been writing and speaking out for the struggling people of his native land, Iran. He maintains a website at
We, the non-Muslims—the infidels, heathens, unbelievers, apostates, enemies of Allah, najis (soiled), as you prefer to call us—would like to know what is it that you don’t understand and what is it that makes you behave so badly toward us? You blame us for your problems and believe if we embrace Islam and help establish the Islamic Ummeh the earth would be cleansed of us, transformed to paradise, and all your problems disappear?
Respectfully, we disagree. We believe that you and your system of belief are at the core of your problems; that you need to critically examine the facts rather than conveniently blame others for your ills. Keep in mind that beliefs and ideas make people human, that beliefs are roadmaps of life. To the extent that the roadmap is rational and enlightened, the path of life is illumined, pitfalls are avoided and obstacles are removed. The terrain of life has greatly changed since the roadmap of Islam was given to the wondering primitives of Arabian Peninsula.
The twenty first century presents great challenges and opportunities that demand new ways of thinking and behaving. The doctrine of Islam may have been appropriate for the dessert dwellers of some 1400 years ago, the people you yourselves stigmatize as “The Ignorant.” It is dysfunctional today to say the least. As a matter of fact, Islam went astray from the very beginning and inflicted a great deal of suffering on both its followers as well as those who resisted its advance.
Early on, Prophet Muhammad explicitly said, “There is no compulsion in religion.” He further confirmed that admonition, “For you, your religion; and for me, my religion.” Why is it that as soon as you gathered enough power, you violated those exhortations and set out to force your belief and way of life on others at the point of the sword? You further conveniently ignored your own teaching by unsheathing your sword at “the people of the book”—Jews and Christians. You spared them death only if they converted or consented to pay you backbreaking religious taxes of Jazyyeh.
Your cruel successful subjugation of the people of the Arabian Peninsula whetted your appetite for further conquests. You ventured into the civilized world—to Persia, the Levant, Spain, and eventually to the gates of Vienna. Cruelty and terror were your instruments of policy—weapons you liberally use today whenever and wherever you are able.
Contempt and hostility toward non-Muslims living under your rule as well as those outside of your domain have characterized your attitude and behavior throughout the history. Isn’t enough is enough? Is it not now the time to stand back and take a good look at what is the root cause of this pathological state of affairs?
Life is precious. It is to be protected, nurtured and celebrated. Mankind is moving, perhaps at a glacier pace, toward reconciliation, ever-expanding inclusiveness without any group or ideology imposing itself on others. Any attempt against this trend of unity in diversity is doomed to failure, as exemplified by the demise of fascism and communism. Your charter, the Quran, for most parts, preaches discrimination, death and imposition of its dogma on everyone. Islam, just like fascism and communism, is a dysfunctional ideology that needs to be abandoned. Humanity has matured considerably since the time of Muhammad. In order to continue its forward march, mankind must follow a roadmap appropriate for its age and state of development. It is foolish to insist that a book written over 1400 years ago must serve as the one and only guide for humanity.
Progress thrives in a marketplace of free ideas, where beliefs and viewpoints, not people, clash. It is through the unimpeded clash of ideas that the best decisions and actions are reached. Islam is anathema to this invaluable principle. By forcing itself on any and all people it could, Islam violated this vital principle and it aims to continue to do so to this day. Islam’s inflexible and intolerant dogmatism is at the heart of Islamic world’s stagnation and backwardness. It is evident that staying put, so to speak, does not allow going forward. It is not the non-Muslim world, the convenient scapegoat, but Islam itself which is the culprit for your chronic ills.
The non-Muslims of the twenty first century treasure freedom in all its forms and are not going to lend their necks passively to the yoke of blind obedience and imitation.
Is the present argument too difficult to understand? Is it too threatening to the security of your mindset to concede its validity? Please have the courage and take that fateful step. Leave Islam, as many of us “apostates” have done, and inhale the life-nurturing fragrance of freedom. Islam is a slaveholder. It feels that it owns you; it condemns you as apostate to be beheaded if you dare to leave its chains. The non-Muslims, by contrast, respect you as a free human and support your inalienable right to believe whatever you want to believe—even if it is a non-belief. If you still wish to wrap yourself in your suffocating security blanket—Islam—please keep it to yourself and refrain from forcing it on others.
Amil Imani is an Iranian born American citizen and pro-democracy activist who resides in the United States of America. Imani is a poet, writer, literary translator, novelist and an essayist who has been writing and speaking out for the struggling people of his native land, Iran. He maintains a website at
Hezbollah are already here - In America
Sheeple thought of the day: "Hezbollah is not my problem."
You think Hezbollah is only Israel's headache? Wake up. Iranian Hezbollah's spokesman Mojtaba Bigdeli's threat on Tuesday to dispatch 2,000 operatives "to every corner of the world to jeopardize Israel and America's interests" is more than just idle Islamic heavy-breathing.
The Jew-hating terrorists of Hezbollah who call themselves the "party of God" are already here. In America. Plotting attacks. Raising money. Slipping through the cracks.
Click HERE for the FULL STORY
You think Hezbollah is only Israel's headache? Wake up. Iranian Hezbollah's spokesman Mojtaba Bigdeli's threat on Tuesday to dispatch 2,000 operatives "to every corner of the world to jeopardize Israel and America's interests" is more than just idle Islamic heavy-breathing.
The Jew-hating terrorists of Hezbollah who call themselves the "party of God" are already here. In America. Plotting attacks. Raising money. Slipping through the cracks.
Click HERE for the FULL STORY
Cry Babies From Lebanon
Currently the United States is evacuating Americans from Beirut. Free. No charge. This includes food, lodging, medical care, and transportation. Now I just have to ask one question... why are there 25,000 Americans in Beirut to begin with? It's only a stones throw from one of the worlds hot spots... and an area of constant crisis. What are all these people doing there? Not like this is a commercial hub or an industrial center...
Then, as I watched the news this morning, these "Americans" were mostly all complaining about "what took the U.S. so long", and "we didn't have luxury accomodations", and "they forced us on to a ship I didn't like". Well, exxxxccccuuuuusssseeee ME!!!
Who's stupid idea was it to bail these people out for FREE anyway? Oh yeah... of course... the "liberals" Nancy Pelosi and pals. We'll just TAX the American public for the expenses and bail these 25,000 so-called "Americans" out. Typical.
I dunno... Why in the world are there 25,000 so-called "Americans" in Beirut?
Then, as I watched the news this morning, these "Americans" were mostly all complaining about "what took the U.S. so long", and "we didn't have luxury accomodations", and "they forced us on to a ship I didn't like". Well, exxxxccccuuuuusssseeee ME!!!
Who's stupid idea was it to bail these people out for FREE anyway? Oh yeah... of course... the "liberals" Nancy Pelosi and pals. We'll just TAX the American public for the expenses and bail these 25,000 so-called "Americans" out. Typical.
I dunno... Why in the world are there 25,000 so-called "Americans" in Beirut?
Rosarito officers beheaded last week
By Anna Cearley
June 30, 2006
TIJUANA – Mexico's top federal prosecutor yesterday said police connections with organized crime may have contributed to the beheadings of three Rosarito Beach police officers last week.
“What we are seeing is that organized crime is penetrating many police groups, and this is the line of investigation that we have,” Mexican Attorney General Daniel Cabeza de Vaca said during a news conference at the Hotel Camino Real.
Cabeza de Vaca stopped short of saying whether the officers and a civilian who was killed with them were believed to have been involved in organized crime.
The bodies of the four men were found in Rosarito Beach and their heads were found in Tijuana on June 21 in what has been widely interpreted as a sign of rivalries between drug-trafficking groups, who typically form links with certain law enforcement officials.
Click HERE for full story
My comment:
Excuse me but... isn't this a huge news worthy story? Silence from the networks. Lets see... Law Enforcement officers beheaded, occuring on or near the Mexican border, and known illegals from the Middle East crossing into the US. And no one thinks this story should be FRONT PAGE?
June 30, 2006
TIJUANA – Mexico's top federal prosecutor yesterday said police connections with organized crime may have contributed to the beheadings of three Rosarito Beach police officers last week.
“What we are seeing is that organized crime is penetrating many police groups, and this is the line of investigation that we have,” Mexican Attorney General Daniel Cabeza de Vaca said during a news conference at the Hotel Camino Real.
Cabeza de Vaca stopped short of saying whether the officers and a civilian who was killed with them were believed to have been involved in organized crime.
The bodies of the four men were found in Rosarito Beach and their heads were found in Tijuana on June 21 in what has been widely interpreted as a sign of rivalries between drug-trafficking groups, who typically form links with certain law enforcement officials.
Click HERE for full story
My comment:
Excuse me but... isn't this a huge news worthy story? Silence from the networks. Lets see... Law Enforcement officers beheaded, occuring on or near the Mexican border, and known illegals from the Middle East crossing into the US. And no one thinks this story should be FRONT PAGE?
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Where is the Rage
Here is an outrageous commentary from an individual named Michael Payne... he writes commentary for the OnlineJournal. He is asking, in his commentary, where the outrage is? Where is the rage? Please read his commentary:
"We are all part of an American society that continues to silently watch as our government pursues a foreign policy that threatens the very future of our democracy. A large segment of this society is currently in a state of conditioned silence. It watches as America is undergoing radical changes that are transforming this nation into an instrument of world domination with the objective of controlling this planet's energy resources. The overriding question is: what will bring this society out of this state of conditioned silence -- does it have the will or any desire to say, "Enough is enough, we will accept no more?" Or have the American people completely lost their will to dissent? It seems that we have become a society that no longer may know what is right versus what is just plain wrong. We collectively watched the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq. Then came the "shock and awe" and the complete destruction of the city of Fallujah. We began to hear the bizarre stories of the inhuman torture of prisoners at Abu Grahib and Guantanamo. Now we are beginning to hear details of the horrendous story about the village of Haditha, a potential time bomb of immense proportions. The senseless deaths of our military and Iraqi civilians continue each and every day; this is complete madness! Is Big Brother wiretapping you and me? Does anyone care? America remains in a state of conditioned silence."
My reaction to this commentary is simple. One word: Bullcrap. What a load full of bullcrap!
First, don't say 'we are all part of a society watching silently'... because we are not ALL part of society that stands mute as we rush headlong into some perceived danger brought about by the current administration. This might be YOUR view Mr. Payne, but it is NOT the view of millions of Americans. So don't try your little trick with the word ALL in your diatribe.
Second, you are wrong to state that 'a large part of society is in a state of conditioned silence'. What? Everyone is a mind-numbed robot except for you? You happen to be the only one with a clear view and intelligence? What arrogance! Typical LIBERAL mentality at work here. You have the accurate vision for all the rest of us. You dolt! We are NOT in a state of conditioned silence... we are simply in agreement that the REAL threat to our democracy is from terrorists and rogue nations with nuclear weapons and the lack of enough resources to keep going.
Third, you state that this nation is turning "into an instrument of world domination". Huh? Well, that answers my next question about your knowledge of American history... you must have been skipping classes out smoking dope. Fool... we've always been about America First. Where have you been? So, my advise is for you to move to Canada, leave, scram, if you hate your own country so much.
Fourth, you question our ability to see right from wrong. Typical. If it isn't a liberal's way, then it's wrong. So much for real liberalism and understanding and open minded thinking. Typical.
Fifth, you bring up Abu Grahib and state (in your opinion) that "inhuman torture" occured there. Dude, you have NO CLUE what torture is. I am here to tell you that what occured in Abu Grahib was no worse than typical fraternity hazing right here in the United States. Oooohhh... stand on a box with a bag on your head and fake wires attached to your fingers... ooohh so inhuman so horrible. Oohhh my, a human pyramid... oh how horrible. And to think, cheerleaders do this self-torture all the time. You idiot... that's hazing, NOT TORTURE. Torture HURTS and KILLS and inflicts REAL SUFFERING. Stress and anguish and hurt feelings are NOT TORTURE. Moron! My guess is, you were a Momma's boy growing up. Probably a single child. In High School you probably fancied yourself an elitist thinker while you hit on the bong. Perhaps your parents were rich or wealthy and you got everything you wanted and maybe even they had a maid or you had a nanny.
Dude... think about what dear old Saddam did to his own people: nerve gassed them, dipped the, alive in acid baths, electrocuted them (for real you idiot), cut off limbs, killed family members. And... it's obvious you're OK with this huh? You sick perverted bastard! It's only when your own country 'stresses' out an enemy combatant that you become unhinged and cry foul with all the pent up hatred you must be carrying around in your tiny dark heart. It's just fine for Saddam, huh! Shows your true colors... this exposes you for what you are. An evil, country hating, close minded, self-centered moron. Finally... you state this is complete madness? Dude, you're looking at yourself in the mirror!
Click HERE to read this idiot's rant about how he hates America
"We are all part of an American society that continues to silently watch as our government pursues a foreign policy that threatens the very future of our democracy. A large segment of this society is currently in a state of conditioned silence. It watches as America is undergoing radical changes that are transforming this nation into an instrument of world domination with the objective of controlling this planet's energy resources. The overriding question is: what will bring this society out of this state of conditioned silence -- does it have the will or any desire to say, "Enough is enough, we will accept no more?" Or have the American people completely lost their will to dissent? It seems that we have become a society that no longer may know what is right versus what is just plain wrong. We collectively watched the illegal and immoral invasion of Iraq. Then came the "shock and awe" and the complete destruction of the city of Fallujah. We began to hear the bizarre stories of the inhuman torture of prisoners at Abu Grahib and Guantanamo. Now we are beginning to hear details of the horrendous story about the village of Haditha, a potential time bomb of immense proportions. The senseless deaths of our military and Iraqi civilians continue each and every day; this is complete madness! Is Big Brother wiretapping you and me? Does anyone care? America remains in a state of conditioned silence."
My reaction to this commentary is simple. One word: Bullcrap. What a load full of bullcrap!
First, don't say 'we are all part of a society watching silently'... because we are not ALL part of society that stands mute as we rush headlong into some perceived danger brought about by the current administration. This might be YOUR view Mr. Payne, but it is NOT the view of millions of Americans. So don't try your little trick with the word ALL in your diatribe.
Second, you are wrong to state that 'a large part of society is in a state of conditioned silence'. What? Everyone is a mind-numbed robot except for you? You happen to be the only one with a clear view and intelligence? What arrogance! Typical LIBERAL mentality at work here. You have the accurate vision for all the rest of us. You dolt! We are NOT in a state of conditioned silence... we are simply in agreement that the REAL threat to our democracy is from terrorists and rogue nations with nuclear weapons and the lack of enough resources to keep going.
Third, you state that this nation is turning "into an instrument of world domination". Huh? Well, that answers my next question about your knowledge of American history... you must have been skipping classes out smoking dope. Fool... we've always been about America First. Where have you been? So, my advise is for you to move to Canada, leave, scram, if you hate your own country so much.
Fourth, you question our ability to see right from wrong. Typical. If it isn't a liberal's way, then it's wrong. So much for real liberalism and understanding and open minded thinking. Typical.
Fifth, you bring up Abu Grahib and state (in your opinion) that "inhuman torture" occured there. Dude, you have NO CLUE what torture is. I am here to tell you that what occured in Abu Grahib was no worse than typical fraternity hazing right here in the United States. Oooohhh... stand on a box with a bag on your head and fake wires attached to your fingers... ooohh so inhuman so horrible. Oohhh my, a human pyramid... oh how horrible. And to think, cheerleaders do this self-torture all the time. You idiot... that's hazing, NOT TORTURE. Torture HURTS and KILLS and inflicts REAL SUFFERING. Stress and anguish and hurt feelings are NOT TORTURE. Moron! My guess is, you were a Momma's boy growing up. Probably a single child. In High School you probably fancied yourself an elitist thinker while you hit on the bong. Perhaps your parents were rich or wealthy and you got everything you wanted and maybe even they had a maid or you had a nanny.
Dude... think about what dear old Saddam did to his own people: nerve gassed them, dipped the, alive in acid baths, electrocuted them (for real you idiot), cut off limbs, killed family members. And... it's obvious you're OK with this huh? You sick perverted bastard! It's only when your own country 'stresses' out an enemy combatant that you become unhinged and cry foul with all the pent up hatred you must be carrying around in your tiny dark heart. It's just fine for Saddam, huh! Shows your true colors... this exposes you for what you are. An evil, country hating, close minded, self-centered moron. Finally... you state this is complete madness? Dude, you're looking at yourself in the mirror!
Click HERE to read this idiot's rant about how he hates America
Sleeper Cells Being Activated??
17 July 2006: Operatives of the Lebanese Islamic terrorist organization Hezbollah, the same group presently firing missiles into Israel and labeled as one of the most dangerous Islamic terrorist group in the world, are believed "to be planning to activate sleeper cells located in New York and other larger cities inside the U.S." to stage attacks Americans. "The FBI and Justice Department have launched urgent new probes in New York and other cities targeting members of the Lebanese terror group." Law-enforcement and intelligence officials stated that "about a dozen hard-core supporters of Hezbollah have been identified in recent weeks as operating in the New York City area (alone)."
The above appeared in an article published in The New York Post on May 22, 2006. Not surprisingly, that very same information was verified through several sources within law enforcement agencies and agents contacted by the Northeast Intelligence Network this weekend.
One federal law enforcement official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, stated, “We are very concerned about sleeper-cell activation due to the current ‘effervescent’ situation between Hezbollah in Lebanon and Israel.” The same source confirmed that there is “active surveillance of known surveillance operatives” in New York, and added that surveillance is also being conducted by agents in other U.S. cities.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
The above appeared in an article published in The New York Post on May 22, 2006. Not surprisingly, that very same information was verified through several sources within law enforcement agencies and agents contacted by the Northeast Intelligence Network this weekend.
One federal law enforcement official, speaking on the condition of anonymity, stated, “We are very concerned about sleeper-cell activation due to the current ‘effervescent’ situation between Hezbollah in Lebanon and Israel.” The same source confirmed that there is “active surveillance of known surveillance operatives” in New York, and added that surveillance is also being conducted by agents in other U.S. cities.
Click HERE for the FULL Story
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