Monday, December 11, 2006

Barack Obama - Is he Muslim?

Barack Obama... Barack Hussein Obama...
His middle name is Hussein and he is Muslim.

To that I say, you have GOT TO BE kidding me. That we are even contemplating electing a person such as this indicates exactly where our Political Correctness is taking us to.

Nothing against the man personally, since very little is known about this person anyway. We do know he is black, smokes, has used drugs quite extensively when he was younger, and has little to no experience with government, or even a normal job. Is he Muslim? With a name like Hussein Obama? CNN will say 'no way'... but think about this.

Is this a sign of the times? Have we have surrendered, out of fear, to Islam? In our cowardice we are cozying up to everything that we would normally consider as "unfit" for the Office of President - while working hard to purge Christianity from our society.

Political correctness - your name is cowardice.

Just a few years ago... a presidential candidate was raked over the coals for enjoying alcohol in his younger years. Yet these same people throw themselves into an orgy of love when it comes to Obama, a known heavy drug user. Hypocrisy, madness, insanity?

Why the love fest for an unknown "someone"? A person clearly without the skills, the experience, with a Muslim background perhaps, a drug background, and a name that unfortunately but clearly reverberates: Allah Akbar!!! Whether real or not...

Madness I say... we clearly think we are enlightened when clearly we are falling down the path of Islam while rabidly tossing out Christianity.

Ladies... forget your Woman's Rights movement, it's over, your toast. You'll be wearing burka's and will be made to walk ten paces behind your man real soon. And education? Forget that... We men, we will have several wives and you will like it or... hey, we can stone you. And you will have NO say in anything other than raising our children - you will be relegated to the status of cattle.

Does that upset you? I guess not. Since none of you raised your voices even once when your sisters were being murdering in cold blood in public executions in Iran and Iraq and Afghanistan. Cowards. Fakes. Dolts.

Start reading the Koran to see what you are in for. But if, IF you happen to feel outrage at what I've just said... then you have a heroine. Her name is Orianna Fallaci and she was a tigress, a fighter, a visionary, and she was 100% correct. She has predicted the future and it is arriving soon. Study her writings.

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