Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Hastert and Others MUST GO

Democrats, of course, are so disingenuous in their righteous indignation about Foley. When they were in charge, they allowed Rep. Barney Frank to run a homosexual call-boy ring out of his Capitol office. And they allowed Rep. Gerry Studds to get away with an actual affair with an underage male congressional page. Like Frank, the unrepentant Studds was re-elected by his perverse constituents until he retired in 1996.

But clearly, here is a failure in leadership. Denny Hastart (R, Ill) KNEW of the troubles that were occuring. He said, in one recent interview, that he was vaguely aware of issues surrounding Foley but the family [of the involved teenager] was taken care of , what else did they want? Clearly here is a man not bothered by the activities of Foley but more worried about the political costs. For this, he MUST RESIGN.

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