Monday, February 12, 2007

Al Gore - Very Bad Memory Suddenly

Feb. 12, 2000: Vice President Al Gore changed his answers during FBI interviews when confronted with documents in a fund-raising investigation and suggested he may have missed part of a meeting in which campaign-finance issues may have been discussed because he drank too much iced tea, FBI documents revealed. Trying to explain parts of the meeting he said he didn't recall, Gore told the FBI he normally sits next to the president in such meetings and that the two sometimes consult while the meeting is going on, thereby missing the surrounding discussion.

"The Vice President also observed that he drank a lot of iced tea during meetings, which could have necessitated a restroom break," the FBI summary stated. "It was not uncommon for him, and for that matter the President, to excuse themselves from meetings to use the restroom."

Click HERE for the FULL STORY

Golly Boys... I just can't remember anything at all. But I do remember inventing the internet and I do remember that the Earth will boil away in 6 years...

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