Saturday, January 06, 2007

Open Letter to President Bush

Mr. President,

You have turned your back on the sovereignty of this nation. You continue to ignore the festering situation on our southern borders... anarchy is breaking out. Our US troops are being attacked and shot at. Our border patrol agents are being punished for doing their job. We are being infiltrated by thousands of illegal immigrants a day... many from Iran, Iraq, the Middle East, and other countries. The security of this nation, her people, her law enforcement officials has been ignored and ruined.

We have American citizens that have taken to guarding our borders and you call them rogue elements - how dare you! They are doing this because YOU refuse to do your job.
I call on you to immediately put armed troops on the border to stop the inflow of drug runners, coyotes, gang members, illegal aliens, and to start protecting legitimate US citizens. I call on you to use whatever force is necessary to stop the out of control anarchy that is occurring there. I call on you to halt this migration that is ruining the environment all along the border. I call on you to do the job you swore an oath to accomplish - to protect America and her legitimate citizens.

I have been a Republican for 20+ years and today, I am ashamed. I am ashamed of your inaction, your cowering to big business at the expense of the security of this nation, and I am saddened by your apparent selling out to everyone BUT the American people that voted you into the White House.

At this point, neither Republicans or Democrats are interested in securing this nation... have we, the citizens, have been sold out?

I call on your immediate action. Many of us are now considering a call for your impeachment. Not for Iraq, or 9-11, or Afghanistan... but because you have turned your back on the most singularly important and primary task you have on your plate - to protect Americans, in the United States, from enemies foreign and domestic.

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