Thursday, August 02, 2007

Road Bridge Collapses in Minneapolis

Dozens missing and more than 10 known dead. Click HERE for the story.

Within about five minutes of the collapse, the US Department of Homeland Security issued a statement: "There is no indication of terrorism in the disaster".

Wow... those guys are so good. Instead of saying, "We just don't know what happened yet", they're already 100% certain that no one was involved in intentionally causing harm to this bridge. They're incredible! So good that they ought to know exactly where the missing people are and what DID cause this - well, five minutes ago.

The very fact that DHS rushes such statements out worries me. They really have no clue but in order to insure there is no panic (is that why?), they say such things. And because they do rush this kind of a blanket statement out, you can rest assured that they will say the same thing if indeed there WAS terrorism behind an event.

Such a waste of government resources... they ought to rename themselves the U.S. Department of Propaganda. This is at a time when we need clarity, honesty, and a transparent government. Sadly, we have none of those.

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