Saturday, March 10, 2007

It's Arrived... The Book Burnings and "Thought Police" Are Now Here

It is the end of times for free speech. It is the end of times for freedom of thought. And it's arrived via the faculty of Ohio State University; a great school formerly in pursuit of knowledge and free expression of ideas.

It is here and now that the mere mention, or recommendation, of a book is branded as a criminal act. The midnight knock at the door is soon to follow... all brought to you by the homosexual community and your local liberals.

You see, school librarian Scott Savage listed "The Marketing of Evil" as a "suggested read"... as librarians are wont to do. This book is critical of the gay movement. As a result and with the help of insane laws called "Hate Crimes" (brought to you again by do-gooder liberals) it is now a crime to think critically of gays, or perhaps anything else that the liberals don't want you to think about.

One person, Professor J.F. Buckley, did not like the subject matter in the book and immediately claimed HARASSMENT and THAT HE WAS THREATENED BY THE WORDS IN THE BOOK. The Ohio State chicken-sh*t faculty voted 12-0 in favor of the homosexual professor Buckley; that the WORDS IN THE BOOK were a THREAT and that Librarian Savage was a THREAT.

It is the twilights last gleaming. Evil is now firmly in control of our schools and soon the book burnings, forced arrests for alternate thought, the inquisitions, and the dark ages will be among us. God help us!

Click HERE for this story of insanity

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