Thursday, April 26, 2007

Worse Than Stalin! The PURGES are HERE

WND (WorldNetDaily) columnist Janet Folger this week warned in a commentary called "Pastors: Act now or prepare for jail," that in New Hampshire, a crime that typically carries a sentence of 3 1/2 years was "enhanced" to 30 years if a robber shouts an anti-homosexual name at his victim.

"Think about it for a minute. If saying a mean anti-homosexual WORD adds an additional 23-26 ½ years to a sentence, and people live to around 80, that penalty is one-fourth of your life for a words you might say.

Click HERE for the Article.

You thought Stalin was bad? You thought the Soviet Union was bad? You thought American's had the right of FREE SPEECH? As you now know... you cannot EVEN THINK YOUR OWN THOUGHTS. The brainwashing camps are coming. Time to fight back, time to reclaim America!

The THOUGHT POLICE Have Finally Arrived

A fast-tracked congressional plan to add special protections for homosexuals to federal law would turn "thoughts, feelings, and beliefs" into criminal offenses.

"H.R. 1592 is a discriminatory measure that criminalizes thoughts, feelings, and beliefs .

Click HERE for the story.

This is not a joke. Very shortly, your own thoughts, beliefs, and your own value system can make you a CRIMINAL. Are are HEREBY ordered, courtesy of your government, as forced by a small minority, to PURGE YOUR THOUGHTS. Bible burning will be next. I kid you not, it's HERE.

You can take action by clicking here.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Virginia Tech and John Edwards... any difference?

A distinction that is largely being ignored (purposefully) is that the Supreme Court DID NOT BAN ABORTION. They DID outlaw a very controversial type of abortion call LATE TERM; a process in which a baby is killed literally upon birth. In all other ages of history, this specific singular process was called infanticide and was often that mark of a barbaric society.

Senator John Edwards then released the following statement about the Supreme Court ruling upholding the federal abortion ban:

"I could not disagree more strongly with today's Supreme Court decision. The ban upheld by the Court is an ill-considered and sweeping prohibition that does not even take account for serious threats to the health of individual women. This hard right turn is a stark reminder of why Democrats cannot afford to lose the 2008 election. Too much is at stake - starting with, as the Court made all too clear today, a woman's right to choose."

Too much is at stake to stop killing? What?

As I examine Edwards words, how is he that much different from Cho, at Virginia Tech? Both are rambling and incoherent, both use crooked logic, both are blaming others, both are wanting to murder life.

If there is proof that every woman that undergoes late term abortion is actually in a life threatening condition, that is one thing. But, really, we ALL know this is truly NOT the case. Does Edwards, and the left, think we're idiots here?

Is life SO CHEAP that we are willing to throw it away, after is has already begun, and at the moment of birth, without a moments regret? Is it so cheap that politicians CAMPAIGN on this right to murder? No WONDER we end up with children like Cho. No wonder our values are gone.

Then, we act outraged at what Cho did to those poor students? Hypocrisy and mental illness I think. We should be outraged at ALL loss of life, young and old.

What kind of monster then is Edwards? Actually desiring a process to continue in which children are killed brutally, at birth? Not in the first few months of pregnancy, but AT BIRTH. Edwards IS Cho... show me the difference if any exists!

Barbara Boxer IS Cho. Feinstein IS Cho. Edwards IS Cho. One kills with a gun, the other kills with a pen. Both murders are ghastly and grisly and painful.

And we dare call ourselves civilized?

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Head for the Hills

Our hearts go out to the Virgina Tech community. But oddly, during the convocation yesterday, something was amiss. There were four speakers.

* "1st Speaker: A Muslim cleric invoking the name of Allah and quoting the Quran."

* "2nd Speaker: A Buddhist Community Leader preaching that mankind is basically 'good.'"

* "3rd Speaker: A Female speaker from the Jewish Community quoting Ecclesiastes: 'There is a time for everything.'"

* "4th Speaker: A Liberal Lutheran Minister talking about 'healing,' etc. and how everyone needs to come together (blah, blah, blah…)."

Uhhh, say, why has no one mentioned the name of Jesus? That is correct... not once.
Does no one see this as strange? Everybody, everything (including elephants in Africa and baby seals in the Arctic), and every deity, BUT NO Jesus Christ?

This is just wrong, and woefully PC.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Bug out time

If folks thought radio host Don Imus' comments about the Rutger's women's basketball team offensive, why then are people at South Carolina State University lining up to hear similar words from rap artists? In one song from the performance on Friday, the n-word is used more than 100 times.

Click HERE for the article

The answer is easy... We're screwed up idiots in this country. Generally speaking: We've lost all thoughtfulness, courtesy, and kindness. We've stopped being considerate, we refuse to work together, and we're self-centered morons the think we know everything. We're narcissistic, spoiled, and really really stupid with our mouths running a mile a minute and our heads emptier than deep space.

From our religious leaders, to our political elected leaders, to our media, to our educational system (self esteem - thats the goal), to our parents and friends and enemies, to our entertainment... we're empty, shallow, untrustworthy, spaced out, arrogant, selfish, and dumber by the minute.

Our memories stretch back in time a whole 10 minutes, we delude ourselves, we covet and ultimately wish to destroy that which is better than us, or those things we cannot understand. We impose our puny way of life and philosophy onto others and we're disrespectful of other people, other countries, other families, other religions (and I DO NOT mean Islam here, they are worse and less tolerant than we are with all of their "Kill the Infidel" stuff in the Koran).

We worship abominations under the guise of tolerance, when we ourselves are 100% intolerant. We ascribe rights to abominations while destroying all things in our past that represent value and virtue. We put perversion and crooked behavior on the alter to raise homage to them , while simultaneously tearing down everything meaningful, anything wise, and anything family oriented. We banish Christianity (the TRUE religion of peace) while raising and protecting ANY belief or practice that is nothing more than anti-Christian - and we call that, in our own twisted way, "tolerance".

We're destroying ourselves. We're idiots. We're toast. And we can't even see it... So, appropriately, we will sink into the morass of history and become a footnote in the big scheme of things (just like the Roman periods of Caligula and Nero, et al). As it should be. We've fallen... and we can't get up. And there ain't no button for us to push to have help come and rescue us. We did this to ourselves. Not even 911 changed our minds for more than 1-2 years... we're back tearing ourselves apart for money, via greed, brought to you by selfishness and the Demoncrats and Retardians.

Can you actually believe that because of the Imus controversy, people (can I say they were people? They were rabid animals) called the girls basketball team and have them death threats. Because of what Imus said. Yeah... we're sick. We are a SICK NATION.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007



Click HERE

Monday, April 02, 2007


2 April 2007: British media is reporting that a government-backed study confirmed that primary and secondary schools are dropping history lessons about the Holocaust to avoid offending Muslim pupils. According to a study funded by the Department for Education and Skills, some teachers are dropping courses covering the Holocaust at the earliest opportunity over fears Muslim pupils might express anti-Semitic and anti-Israel reactions in class.

Click HERE for the Story

Is this insane or what? So long Great Britain... Hello Britainistan! Idiots!


QUOTE: “When they cook a dish in the Middle East, it is traditional to put the meat on top of the rice when they serve it. They kidnapped a woman’s baby in Baghdad, a toddler, and because the mother was unable to pay the ransom, they returned her child – beheaded, roasted and served on a mound of rice.” The infant’s crime was to be an Assyrian, but this story, reported by the Barnabus Fund, went unnoticed in the West, like so many other horrific accounts of Christian persecution in Iraq."

Click HERE for the Article